Member Nomination Procedure and Tenure
Any student fulfilling the eligibility criteria such as academic performance, percentage of attendance, participation in events and activities of the department, holistic skills and the general standing is eligible to apply for deanery council. Application form to be submitted to their respective class teachers along with a statement of purpose, a copy of the attendance and marks card of the previous semesters.
The Class Teachers in consultation with HoD evaluate the statement of purpose, attendance and marks card and submit a list of four candidates to the University Council Members representing the department. The Faculty Coordinator of the School shall then review the applications and interview the candidates. Based on the personal interview and other achievements, two candidates shall be selected to represent the School Council from each class. All School Student Council members who fulfil the eligibility criteria in terms of academic performance and attendance and performance as a school council member are eligible to apply for university level council. Application to be submitted to the respective faculty Coordinator along with a statement of purpose, contributions as a school member participation in events and activities of the deanery and a copy of the attendance and marks cards of the previous semesters. Faculty coordinator verify the application form, academic documents and contribution as school members based on the log of all the School Level members maintained by the outgoing University council members. All shortlisted candidates will be interviewed personally by the faculty coordinator. Based on the interview and other achievements members are selected as per the requirement for each school in consultation with respective HOD’s and class teachers and refer to the student council coordinator. The final interview is conducted by the Student Council Coordinator.
Normal tenure of membership is one year and is renewable based on fresh nomination. Nomination of Senior Students to the Council of the ensuing year will take place in the month of February every year (i.e., fresh nomination of the students who will be moving to the next year of study). Nominations of the students from the first year of study will take place in the month of July every year. At the end of every year the incumbent Student Council will hand over its functions to the new Student Council (for the ensuing year) on the Student Council Day.