

Application Process

Applications are available online.

Applications for each programme will close approximately a week before the scheduled selection process.

All applicants must visit the page: and register by entering NAME (as printed on Class 10 Marks Card), EMAIL-ID and set a password (the email id and mobile number provided will be used for sending confirmation and application status-update messages). An applicant can apply for as many programmes using the same ID as long as the prescribed eligibility criteria for the specific programme is fulfilled.

Applicants must have the following documents before filling the application online:

  • Copy of statement of marks of Class 10, Class 11/ 12 (Mandatory).
  • Fill in all the details in the “detailed application” page. Scan and upload a recent passport-size photograph (3.5 cms x 4.5 cms formal dress with white background) and click “Submit”. On clicking Submit, a viewable and editable page will appear on the screen. In case you need to make any corrections; you may edit the data/details and then click “Confirm Submission”.
  • Make payment using a card and after successful payment, click on submit.  A 9 (nine) digit application number will be generated. If unable to print the application form due to system/power/internet failure, logon to under the “Application Status” page enter the registered Email-ID and password to view and print the application form (after the payment if you do not receive the 9 (nine) digit application number, then your application process is incomplete, and the payment will go in for refund process. The refund will take about 15 days and must be checked with your bank).


Candidates falling under any of these categories (PIO / OCI / SAARC / AFRICA / ASEAN / OTHER FOREIGN NATIONALS) must send the required supporting documents (copy of passport, copy of PIO / OCI card whichever is applicable and copy of class 10 & class 11/12 marks card) in an A4 size envelope ONLY through registered post/courier to “The Co-ordinator, Office of International Affairs, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560 029, Karnataka, India, Phone: +91 80 4012 9439”.

  • All other candidates will have to carry the application printout, original documents and a set of photocopies to the selection process on the allotted date, time and venue mentioned on the selection process admit card.
  • All applicants must make a note of the username and password, the application number, programme applied for, selection process date and city for all further purposes.
  • All travel arrangements, if necessary, have to be made in advance.
  • The "Important Dates" section must be referred to before filling the application, or candidates can choose the selection process dates while filling the application online.
  • No request for change of date/city will be entertained.
  • Applicants applying while in their final year of schooling must carry the marks card up to the previous year when they report to the selection process venue. Documents to be carried are application printout along with the original class X, and class XI / XII marks cards and a set of photocopies.
  • Original marks cards and ID proof will be verified during the selection process.

Office of Admissions will communicate with the applicant only through the university website, under the link “Application Status” or click the link:


(Deemed to be University)

Mariam Nagar, Meerut Road, Delhi NCR
Ghaziabad - 201003
Telephone :01206666100

Tel: 1800-123-3212






CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

Copyright © CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 2020