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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Gowtham R Editorial - Ushus Journal of Business and Management Ushus Journal of Business Management / 23 / 3 / 5 - 7 0975-3311

2 Harmandeep Singh Is corporate reputation associated with voluntary cybersecurity risk reporting? Meditari Accountancy Research / / / - 2049-372X

3 John Benedict D Relationship between Digital Learning, Digital Literacy and Academic Performance of Higher Education Students: Moderated Mediation Role of Critical Thinking International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope / / / - 2582-631X

4 Lakshmi B Unleashing economic potential: decoding the FDI-economic growth nexus in G-15 economies amidst unique host country traits Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science / 8 / 2 / - 2509-7954

5 Mary Rani Thomas TechnoByte Solutions: Revolutionizing Workforce Training with Extended Reality Journal of Case Research / xv / 01 / 10 - 13 0976-108X

6 Mary Rani Thomas Assessing the Skill Sets from the NEP Policy 2020: Scale Development and Validation Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management / 17 / 9 / 44 - 59 0975-2854

7 Natchimuthu N Machine Learning in Financial Distress: A Scoping Review International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope (IRJMS) / 5 / 3 / 457 - 474 2582-631X

8 Pooja Jain Memes, memetics and their applications: A systematic review of literature E-MENTOR / 104 / 2 / 14 - 22 1731-7428

9 Rishikesh K B Editorial - Ushus Journal of Business and Management Ushus Journal of Business Management / 23 / 3 / 5 - 7 0975-3311

10 Sathish Kumar B Factor investing: evidence of long-only factor portfolios from the Indian market Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies / / / 1 - 20 1752-0843

11 Seshanwita Das Does geopolitical risk alleviate the ?sticky? cost behavior of firms? Evidence from India International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management / 15 / 8 / - 0975-6809

12 Srikrishna Bhagawan N M Factor investing: evidence of long-only factor portfolios from the Indian market Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies / / / 1 - 20 1752-0843

13 Sunil M P The Impact of Islamic Finance on Economic Growth: A Study of the SAARC Nations and Key Takeaways for India International Journal of Novel Research and Development / 9 / 6 / 46 - 54 2456-4184

14 Sunil M P Determinants of Risk Disclosure in Top-Performing Automobile Companies in India International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS) / 7 / 2(I) / 106 - 118 2581 7930

15 Sunil M P Exploring the decision drivers of comprehensive medical insurance purchases International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS) / 7 / 3(1) / 49 - 57 2581-7930

16 Tomy K Kallarakal Analogy of Social Entrepreneurship and Community Empowerment: An Inclusive Tourism Approach with Technological Intervention Springer International Handbooks of Education International Handbook of Skill, Education, Learning, / 1 / / - 2197-1951

17 Vinnarasi B Trends in virtual influencers (VIs): A bibliometric analysis and SPAR-4-SLR protocol Multidisciplinary Reviews / 7 / 12 / - 2595-3982

18 Yashmita Awasthi Financial behaviour Across Professions: An In-depth Analysis of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Professionals in Diverse Sectors Library Progress International / 44 / 3 / 5500 - 5506 0970-1052

19 Yashmita Awasthi Machine learningbased approaches for enhancing human resource management using automated employee performance prediction systems International Journal of Organizational Analysis / / / - 1934-8835

20 Abhishek Maheshwari Impact of Vehicle Loans, Consumer Behavior and Income Level on the Passenger Segment of the Automobile Industry since year 2011 Motherhood International Journal of Research & Innovation / 1 / 1 / 8 - 17 3048-569X

21 Akhil P Perception of Stakeholders on the online learning platform South India Journal of Social Sciences / XXI / 31 / 170 - 179 0972-8945

22 Amalanathan S Efficiency of Indian Banks with Non-Performing Assets as Undesirable Outputs AIP Conference Proceedings / / / - 0094-243X

23 Amalanathan S Can mobile wallet usage contribute towards environmental sustainability? Evidence from a moderated mediation approach Universal Access in the Information Society / / / - 1615-5289

24 Amalanathan S Can mobile banking apps usage contribute towards the environmental sustainability: a mediation analysis International Journal of Environment and Pollution / 71 / 1-2 / 1 - 24 0957-4352

25 Anson K J The Interplay Between Artificial Intelligence and Operations Management AIP Conference Proceedings / / / - 0094-243X

26 Anuradha P S Entrepreneurial Attitude and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Female Engineering Students: Mediating Roles of Passion and Creativity Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (JWEE) / 1 / 1-2 / 19 - 39 1821-1283

27 Aruna P The Availability Trap: How the Availability Bias and Fitness Influencers Mould Followers Behaviour International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) / 6 / 2 / 1 - 5 2582-2160

28 Chabi Gupta The Future of Talent Management: Leveraging Automation and HR Analytics for Success?A Critical Review of Literature MDIM Journal of Management Review and Practice / 1 / 2 / - 2583-8768

29 Chabi Gupta Forecasting Interest Rates Using Holt`s Model for India 10-Year Government Bond Yield Business, Management and Economics Engineering / 20 / 2 / 743 - 758 2669-2481

30 David Joseph FinTech and Financial Capability, What Do We Know and What We Do Not Know: A Scoping Review Indian Journal of Finance / 17 / 2 / 40 - 55 0973-8711

31 Deep Jyoti Gurung Smartphone addiction among post-graduate management students: The Indian experience Cogent Arts & Humanities journal / 10 / 1 / - 2331-1983

32 Deep Jyoti Gurung Mapping the landscape of tourism cities research: a bibliometric analysis of the International Journal of Tourism Cities International Journal of Tourism Cities / / / - 2056-5615

33 Deepika Upadhyay Theorizing the Phenomenon of Women Empowerment in a Course to Discover the Purpose of Life for Marginalized Women in India-Evidence from Phool South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases / 12 / 3 / 352 - 371 2321-0303

34 Deepthi S Pawar Do Bank Characteristics Really Matter for its Environmental Reporting? Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research / 83 / 5 / 500 - 510 0975-1084

35 Geetanjali Purswani Forced Adaptation To A Pedagogy: Changes In Teacher? Perception Of Online Teaching Journal of Positive Psychology / 6 / 9 / 4197 - 4206 2717-7564

36 Geetanjali Purswani Stock Market Prediction Techniques Using Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / 219 - 233 2367-3370

37 Girish S Fire Load Calculation on Brewing Facility The Journal of Insurance Institute of India / X / IV / 105 - 111 2278-6759

38 Girish S FinTech and Financial Capability, What Do We Know and What We Do Not Know: A Scoping Review Indian Journal of Finance / 17 / 2 / 40 - 55 0973-8711

39 Girish S Understanding the technological evolution in electronic payments system in India and the acceptance International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking / 16 / 4 / 433 - 457 1460-6739

40 Girish S Psychological Safety and Career Success among Employees of Indian Start-ups: Mediating Role of Passion International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope / 5 / 2 / 484 - 492 2582-631X

41 Girish S Adoption and Usage of Digital Financial Services in Karnataka, India: Spatial, Gender and Age Disparities Finance India / XXXVIII / 1 / 239 - 254 0970-3772

42 Gowtham R REIT A Regulatory Framework to Educate and Engage Investors, Improves Trust Ability, Creative Thinking and Transparency Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities / 6 / 8s / 1 - 15 2589-7799

43 Gowtham R Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing Production Line System Based on Digital Twin SN Computer Science / 4 / 5 / - 2661-8907

44 Harmandeep Singh Faculty acceptance of virtual teaching platforms for online teaching: Moderating role of resistance to change Australasian Journal of Educational Technology / 39 / 5 / 33 - 50 1449-3098

45 Harpreet Kaur Creating a Sustainable Future: Insights into Brand Marketing in the Luxury Fashion Industry Cogent Business & Management / / / - 2331-1975

46 Harpreet Kaur Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Payment Services during the COVID-19 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH / 16 / 1 / 47 - 55 0976-0628

47 Jerush John Joseph Advancements in e-Governance Initiatives: Digitalising Healthcare in India Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3370

48 Jothi M Does environmental reporting of banks affect their financial performance? Evidence from India International Journal of Bank Marketing / / / - 0265-2323

49 Jothi M Do Bank Characteristics Really Matter for its Environmental Reporting? Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research / 83 / 5 / 500 - 510 0975-1084

50 Krishna Prasath S The Mediating Role of Social Media in Relationship between Antecedents of Online Marketing Practices and Customer Retention and Loyalty Northern Economic Review / 15 / 1 / 146 - 169 0262-0383

51 Lakshmi B Disclosure of University Social Responsibility: A Review of Select Higher Educational Institutions Indian Journal of Social Work / 84 / 1 / 99 - 118 2456-7809

52 Lakshmi B Rejuvenating human resource accounting research: a review using bibliometric analysis Management Review Quarterly / 72 / 3 / - 2198-1639

53 Lijeesh P Perception of Stakeholders on the online learning platform South India Journal of Social Sciences / XXI / 31 / 170 - 179 0972-8945

54 Mary Rani Thomas Landing Page via Perceived Interactivity for Four Generational Cohorts Ushus Journal of Business Management: / 22 / 3 / 27 - 46 0975-3311

55 Mary Rani Thomas Reach, Resonance and Relevance of Social Media Influencers on Generation Z and Alpha Generation International Journal of Engineering and Management Research / 14 / 1 / 36 - 39 2250-0758

56 Mynavathi L Infusing Circular Reporting model and Creative Marketing Mix for a Progressive Orange Economy: A Study with reference to Creative Business Units in Karnataka, India in the Post Covid-19 pandemic Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research / / / - 2581-8430

57 Mynavathi L Perception vs. reality: Analysing the nexus between financial literacy and fintech adoption Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 20 2023 / 4 / - 1812-9358

58 Nabanita Ghosh Accounting The Unaccounted: The Future Of Accounting Profession MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT / 58 / 8 / 87 - 09 0972-3528

59 Nabanita Ghosh Significance Of Networking And Collaboration For Women Entrepreneurs In India Management Accountant / 59 / 3 / 18 - 21 0972-3528

60 Nabanita Ghosh Viksit Bharat Going Global: Paradigm Shift in Landscape of ESG & BRSR and Changing Role of Company Secretaries CHARTERED SECRETARY / 54 / 5 / 65 - 70 0972-1983

61 Natchimuthu N Did Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Induce Herding Behavior in Indian Stock Market? Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields / 14 / 2 / 484 - 498 2068-7710

62 Pooja Jain Spreading Religion And Culture Through Internet Memes Journal of Dharma / 48 / 4 / 531 - 548 0253-7222

63 Pooja Jain Impact of meme marketing on consumer purchase intention: Examining the mediating role of consumer engagement Innovative marketing / 20 / 1 / 1 - 16 1816-6326

64 Pramila S Forecasting Interest Rates Using Holt`s Model for India 10-Year Government Bond Yield Business, Management and Economics Engineering / 20 / 2 / 743 - 758 2669-2481

65 Pramila S The Evaluation of Security and Privacy Components in the Context of Peer-To-Peer Power Trading Methodologies using Network Intelligence International Journal of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING / 12(15s) / / 464 - 470 2147-6799

66 Pramila S Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Learning in Higher Education Samdarshi / 16 / 4 / - 2581-3986

67 Pramila S Integrating AI Tools into HRM to promote Green HRM practices ICT: Smart Systems and Technologies Proceedings of ICTCS 2023, Volume 4 / 4 / / 249 - 260 2367-3370

68 Rishikesh K B Impact of the core and supporting university brand equity dimensions on brand loyalty IPE Journal of Managment / 14 / 03 / 25 - 34 2249-9040

69 Rishikesh K B Examining the demographic differences in university students brand loyalty Rabindra Bharati University, Journal of Economics / XXVIII / 09 / 33 - 43 0975-802X

70 Saravanakrishnan V The Interplay Between Artificial Intelligence and Operations Management AIP Conference Proceedings / / / - 0094-243X

71 Saravanakrishnan V A LSTM based model for stock price analysis and prediction AIP Conference Proceedings / 2888 / 1 / - 0094-243X

72 Seshanwita Das A Bibliometric Analysis of Asset Allocation for Retirement Journal of Retirement / 12 / 1 / 61 - 83 2326-6899

73 Shaeril Michael Almeida Evolution of Health Insurance in India Over a Decapod Applied Science & Engineering Journal for Advanced Research / / / - 2583-2468

74 Shaeril Michael Almeida Comparative Analysis of Investment Behaviour: Exploring Investment Patterns and Decision-Making between Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z Management Journal for Advanced Research / / / - 2583-1747

75 Shaeril Michael Almeida Impact of Poor Claim Settlement on the Demand for Insurance Management Journal for Advanced Research / / / - 2583-1747

76 Shaeril Michael Almeida Evolution of Health Insurance in India Over a Decapod Applied Science and Engineering Journal for Advanced Research / / / - 2583-2468

77 Shanu Singh Progress of Sustainable Development Goals towards the Agenda-2030 and Hurdle of COVID-19 Pandemic A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology / 12 / 03 / 6184 - 6190 2230-5807

78 Shanu Singh Involvement Of Artificial Intelligence In The Business World And Its Prospects For The Future Industrial Engineering Journal / 52 / 11 / 182 - 196 0970-2555

79 Shanu Singh Merger & Acquisition: Study of Financial Analysis and the Factors that Impact Profitability (Post-Merger) AMITY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL AND MULTIDICIPLINARY STUDIES (AIJLMS) / 7 / 13 / 20 - 34 2581-5350

80 Shubhanker Yadav Impact Of Meta Verse Announcement Date On Stock Prices International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) / / / - 2582-3930

81 Sruthi N R A Scoping Review on the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Robo-advisors for Financial Decision-Making Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration / 32 / 32(1) / - 1 1211-555X

82 Sunil M P A gender inclusive perspective on women shaping Indian economy through family business _A perspective article PIMT Journal of Research / 16 / 2 / 17 - 22 2278-7925

83 Surbhi Srivastava Impact of ESG Score on Stock Performance in Banking and IT Sector International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management / / / - 2582-3930

84 Tabassum Did Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Induce Herding Behavior in Indian Stock Market? Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields / 14 / 2 / 484 - 498 2068-7710

85 Tomy K Kallarakal Knowledge and perceptions about clinical research and its ethical conduct among college students from non- science background: a representative nation- wide survey from India BMJ Public Health / / / - 2753-4294

86 Tomy K Kallarakal Understanding the technological evolution in electronic payments system in India and the acceptance International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking / 16 / 4 / 433 - 457 1460-6739

87 Tomy K Kallarakal Impact of the core and supporting university brand equity dimensions on brand loyalty IPE Journal of Managment / 14 / 03 / 25 - 34 2249-9040

88 Tomy K Kallarakal Examining the demographic differences in university students brand loyalty Rabindra Bharati University, Journal of Economics / XXVIII / 09 / 33 - 43 0975-802X

89 Uma V R Behavioral Bias as an Instrumental Factor in Investment Decision-An Empirical Analysis Studies in Systems, Decision and Control / 487 / 1 / 807 - 818 2198-4182

90 Uma V R Understanding the technological evolution in electronic payments system in India and the acceptance International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking / 16 / 4 / 433 - 457 1460-6739

91 Valarmathi B Disclosure of University Social Responsibility: A Review of Select Higher Educational Institutions Indian Journal of Social Work / 84 / 1 / 99 - 118 2456-7809

92 Veerta Tantia Social capital in the form of self-help groups in India: a powerful resilient solution to reduce household financial vulnerability Social Work With Groups / / / - 0160-9513 

93 Abhishek Maheshwari Management Perceptions on Quality Management in educational Institutions: A Case Study Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) / / / 2844 - 2847 2319-4979

94 Abhishek Maheshwari A Study on Student Cyber Safety Consciousness in the Light of Online Learning IEEE Conference Proceedings / NA / 56171 / 1 - 6 2169-3536

95 Abhishek Maheshwari A Study on Student Cyber Safety Consciousness in the Light of Online Learning IEEE Conference Proceedings / NA / 56171 / 1 - 6 2169-3536

96 Amala Siby Adopting Metaverse as a Pedagogy in Problem-Based Learning Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 671 / / - 2367-3389

97 Amalanathan S Exploring Relationships Between Financial Literacy And Environmental Sustainability Among The Tribals Through Structural Equation Modelling Journal of Positive School Psychology / 6 / 8 / 5940 - 5959 2717-7564

98 Anuradha P S Environmental Accounting Disclosure in top 30 companies listed in BSE Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship / 16 / 2 (V) / 97 - 105 2229-5348

99 Anuradha P S Entrepreneurial Attitude and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Mediation of Passion and Mediated Moderation of Creativity Indian Journal of Natural Sciences / 13 / 76 / 867 - 873 0976-0997

100 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Student-managed investment funds (SMIFs) in India: the perspectives of student fund managers Journal of International Education in Business / / / - 2046-469X

101 Aruna P Investigation of hurdles and obstacles affecting business performance of small business in Karnataka during the Pandemic of Covid-19 CARAIVETI / V / 2 / 215 - 229 2456-9690

102 Aruna P Impact Of Digitalization And Changing Consumer Preferences And Choices On Virtual Shopping Of Retail Sector In Bangalore International Journal of Professional Business Review / 7 / 4 / 1 - 16 2525-3654

103 Aruna P Customer Relationship Management (Crm) Practices In Banks: A Study With Special Reference To Bangalore City / 16 / 1 / 130 - 139 1819-8643

104 Bhavna Sharma Impact of Pandemic on Buying Behavior of Indian Consumers Towards FMCG Manager-The British Journal of Administrative Management / / / - 1746-1278

105 Bhavna Sharma CEO Compensation and Firms Performance: An Empirical Investigation of India Panel Data Empirical Economics Letters / 22 / 2 / 117 - 138 1681 8997

106 Chabi Gupta E-Waste Management - Accelerating Green Computing International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1616 - 1622 1308-5581

107 Chabi Gupta Virtual Leadership - Accelerating Group Politics International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1640 - 1646 1308-5581

108 Chabi Gupta Knowledge or Personality: An Empirical Analysis of Behavioural Finance and Investor Cognitive Biases International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL) / 12 / 1 / - 2155-7136

109 Chabi Gupta Do We Really Need Elderly-Friendly Integrated Care Portals?: Mind Blocks to Their Adoption and Implementation International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC) / 14 / 1 / - 1941-868X

110 Chabi Gupta Banking and Financial Relationships Vs the Need for Contactless Interactions ? Beyond the Pandemic ABS International Journal of Management / Volume X / Issue 1 / 12 - 16 2319-684X

111 Chabi Gupta Student Attendance Monitoring Management System Using An Iot Based Approach Business, Management and Economics Engineering / 20 / 2 / - 2669-2481

112 Chabi Gupta India's Trade with USA and China?A Subjective Analysis International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics / 3 / 10 / 11 - 13 2582-7839

113 Chabi Gupta E-Waste Management - Accelerating Green Computing International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1616 - 1622 1308-5581

114 Chabi Gupta Virtual Leadership - Accelerating Group Politics International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1640 - 1646 1308-5581

115 Deep Jyoti Gurung Green Advertisement Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship / 6 / 2 / 121 - 127 2229-5348

116 Deep Jyoti Gurung COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness of teachers for online synchronous classes International Journal Innovation and Learning / 32 / 3 / 341 - 358 1471-8197

117 Deepika Upadhyay Reinventing Coffee: Pandemic Lessons from Sleepy Owl Coffee Asian Case Research Journal / 26 / 4 / 353 - 369 0218-9275

118 Deepika Upadhyay Option or necessity: Role of environmental education as transformative change agent Evaluation and Program Planning / 97 / / 102244 - 102244 0149-7189

119 Deepika Upadhyay Adoption of Electric vehicles in India: An Extension of UTAUT Model" Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy / 14 / 1 / 1 - 13 0976-4925

120 Geetanjali Purswani Financial Inclusion Of Persons With Disabilities Shodha Prabha / 48 / 2 / 69 - 76 0974-8946

121 Geetanjali Purswani Adoption of Electric vehicles in India: An Extension of UTAUT Model" Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy / 14 / 1 / 1 - 13 0976-4925

122 Girish S Financial stress, financial literacy, and financial insecurity in India's informal sector during COVID-19 Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 19 / 2 / 285 - 294 1812-9358

123 Girish S Switching intention and switching behavior of adults in the non-life insurance sector: Mediating role of brand love Insurance Markets and Companies / 14 / / 1 - 7 2522-9591

124 Gowtham R Quality enhanced framework through integration of blockchain with supply chain management Measurement: Sensors / 22 / December 2022 / 1 - 6 2665-9174

125 Gowtham R Effective proactive routing protocol using smart nodes system Measurement: Sensors / 24 / December 2022 / 1 - 5 2665-9174

126 Gowtham R A Structural Equation Modeling approach towards Tax Payers Perceptions on Goods and Services Tax in India International Journal of Professional Business Review / 8 / 4 / 1 - 15 2525-3654

127 Gowtham R Inclusion of IoT, ML, and Blockchain Technologies in Next Generation Industry 4.0 Environment Materials Today: Proceedings / 80 / 3 / 3471 - 3475 2214-7853

128 Gowtham R Neuropsychological study of how shoppers handle dubious transactions and make online payments Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 28 / 04 / 674 - 690 1323-6903

129 Greeshma Benny Thadikaran Bridging Digital Divide in India : Positive Outlook Amid COVID-19 Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management / 15 / 6 / - 0975-2854

130 Harmandeep Singh The Impact Of Covid 19 Pandemic On The Mental Health Of Unemployed Graduates Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharati University / XXIV / 1(XVIII) / 30 - 36 0972-7175

131 Harmandeep Singh Drivers of Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Internet Corporate Reporting in Public and Private Sector Indian Companies Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management / 15 / 12 / 39 - 53 0975-2854

132 Jerush John Joseph Adopting Metaverse as a Pedagogy in Problem-Based Learning Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 671 / / - 2367-3389

133 Jothi M The linkage between green banking practices and green loyalty: A customer perspective Banks and Bank Systems / 17 / 3 / 201 - 212 1991-7074

134 Karthigai Prakasam C Dependence between Sugar Industry Specific Factors and Sugar Companies Share Prices : Evidence from India Finance India / 36 / 4 / 1381 - 1394 0970 - 3772

135 Karthigai Prakasam C Bridging Digital Divide in India : Positive Outlook Amid COVID-19 Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management / 15 / 6 / - 0975-2854

136 Lakshmi B Effect of COVID-19 on Manufacturing MSMEs in Bangalore. Productivity : A Quarterly Journal of The National Productivity Council / 63 / 1 / 121 - 131 0032-9924

137 Mary Rani Thomas Critical Factors in the Selection of Educational Toys for Generation Alpha Specialusis Ugdymas / 1 / 43 / 5119 - 5218 1392-5369

138 Mary Rani Thomas Pet Insuarnce - Is it a Necessity? International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts / 11 / 4 / h336 - h341 2320-2882

139 Nabanita Ghosh Glimpses Of Green Banking Initiatives: A Study On Comparitive Appproach Of Public Sector And Private Sector Banks Journal Of Management & Entrepreneurship / 16 / 2 / 132 - 139 2229-5348

140 Nabanita Ghosh Invasion of Technology in Corporate Governance: A breather for Company Secretaries Chartered SEcretary / 52 / 9 / 87 - 91 0972-1983

141 Nabanita Ghosh A Study On The Role Of Crypto Currency And Blockchain In Audit And Investigation Management Accountant / 57 / 12 / 42 - 44 0972-3528

142 Natchimuthu N Impact of Brexit on bond yields and volatility spillover across France, Germany, UK, USA, and India?s debt markets Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 19 / 3 / 189 - 202 1810-4967, 1812-9358

143 Natchimuthu N Are there bubbles in sectoral indices? Evidence from national stock exchange Cogent Economics and Finance / 10 / 1 / - 2332-2039

144 Naveen Kumara R Are there bubbles in sectoral indices? Evidence from national stock exchange Cogent Economics and Finance / 10 / 1 / - 2332-2039

145 Naveen Kumara R Parental Perception of the Effectiveness of Online Classes for Primary School Children: A Mixed-Methods Approach International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments / 12 / 1 / - 1947-8518

146 Nitin Kulshrestha Exponential Moving Average - Optimize Momentum Trading Psychology of Energy Stocks in India: A Quantitative Insight International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) / 14 / 5 / 4053 - 4058 1308-5581

147 Pooja Jain Adoption of Electric vehicles in India: An Extension of UTAUT Model" Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy / 14 / 1 / 1 - 13 0976-4925

148 Pramila S A Study On Investors Perceptionin Shares - Post Facebook Reliance Dealsat Delhi International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1633 - 1639 1308-5581

149 Pramila S A Study On Investors' Perceptionin Shares - Post Facebook Reliance Dealsat Delhi International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1633 - 1639 1308-5581

150 Pramila S E-Waste Management - Accelerating Green Computing International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1616 - 1622 1308-5581

151 Pramila S Virtual Leadership - Accelerating Group Politics International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1640 - 1646 1308-5581

152 Pramila S The impact of working capital on Profitability of Some Selected Steel companies: An Empirical Panel Data Study BioGecko / 12 / 1 / 707 - 715 2230-5807

153 Pramila S E-Waste Management - Accelerating Green Computing International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1616 - 1622 1308-5581

154 Pramila S Virtual Leadership - Accelerating Group Politics International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 5 / 1640 - 1646 1308-5581

155 Pramila S Student Attendance Monitoring Management System Using An Iot Based Approach Business, Management and Economics Engineering / 20 / 2 / - 2669-2481

156 Sangeetha G Nagarakatte Impact of Brexit on bond yields and volatility spillover across France, Germany, UK, USA, and India?s debt markets Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 19 / 3 / 189 - 202 1810-4967, 1812-9358

157 Sanjay Rastogi Exponential Moving Average - Optimize Momentum Trading Psychology of Energy Stocks in India: A Quantitative Insight International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) / 14 / 5 / 4053 - 4058 1308-5581

158 Sanjay Rastogi CEO Compensation and Firms Performance: An Empirical Investigation of India Panel Data Empirical Economics Letters / 22 / 2 / 117 - 138 1681 8997

159 Saravanakrishnan V Leveraging and Deployment of AI / ML to Simplify Business Operations among Diverse Sectors during Covid-19 Battle AIP Conference Proceedings / 2648 / 1 / - 1551-7616

160 Sathish Kumar B Impact Of Work From Home On The Work-Life Balance Of Employed Women In Bangalore Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy / XXIII / / - 0973-0087

161 Shaeril Michael Almeida Artificial Intelligence In The Banking Sector: A Common Man's Perspective Journal Of Education: Rabindra Bharati University / / / - 0972-7175

162 Shaeril Michael Almeida RPA Revolution in the Healthcare Industry During COVID-19 Book cover Book cover Confluence of Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation / 335 / / 199 - 229 2190-3018

163 Shaeril Michael Almeida Examining University Students? Attitude towards e-Learning and Their Academic Achievement during COVID-19 International Journal of Information and Education Technology / / / - 2010-3689

164 Shalini Singh Impact of Pandemic on Buying Behavior of Indian Consumers Towards FMCG Manager-The British Journal of Administrative Management / / / - 1746-1278

165 Shalini Singh CEO Compensation and Firms Performance: An Empirical Investigation of India Panel Data Empirical Economics Letters / 22 / 2 / 117 - 138 1681 8997

166 Shubhanker Yadav Effect of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A Study of Indian Paint Industry Management Insight The Journal of Incisive Analyzers / 18 / 1 / 83 - 94 0973-936X

167 Shubhanker Yadav CEO Compensation and Firms Performance: An Empirical Investigation of India Panel Data Empirical Economics Letters / 22 / 2 / 117 - 138 1681 8997

168 Shubhanker Yadav Exponential Moving Average - Optimize Momentum Trading Psychology of Energy Stocks in India: A Quantitative Insight International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) / 14 / 5 / 4053 - 4058 1308-5581

169 Shubhanker Yadav The impact of working capital on Profitability of Some Selected Steel companies: An Empirical Panel Data Study BioGecko / 12 / 1 / 707 - 715 2230-5807

170 Smita Kavatekar Customer Perception With Respect To Online Food Delivery Journal Of Pharmaceutical Negative Results / 13 / Special Issue 6 / 903 - 915 0976-9234

171 Sruthi N R Algorithms for better decision-making: a qualitative study exploring the landscape of robo-advisors in India Managerial Finance / / / - 0307-4358

172 Sunil M P Parental Perception of the Effectiveness of Online Classes for Primary School Children: A Mixed-Methods Approach International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments / 12 / 1 / - 1947-8518

173 Surbhi Srivastava Attributes of Mutual Fund Performance: A comprehensive analysis of literature review and visualization. ZKG International / / / - 2366-1313

174 Suresh G Do all shocks produce embedded herding and bubble? An empirical observation of the Indian stock market Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 19 / 3 / - 1810-4967, 1812-9358

175 Suresh G Are there bubbles in sectoral indices? Evidence from national stock exchange Cogent Economics and Finance / 10 / 1 / - 2332-2039

176 Tabassum Do all shocks produce embedded herding and bubble? An empirical observation of the Indian stock market Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 19 / 3 / - 1810-4967, 1812-9358

177 Theresa Nithila Vincent Effect of COVID-19 on Manufacturing MSMEs in Bangalore. Productivity : A Quarterly Journal of The National Productivity Council / 63 / 1 / 121 - 131 0032-9924

178 Valarmathi B Features of Vitamin Model Affecting Psychological Empowerment: Serial Mediation Role of Job Crafting and Work Engagement Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management. / 15 / 8 / 42 - 58 0975-2854

179 Valarmathi B Influence of teacher occupational stress on self-efficacy: Evidences from the pre-and during-covid-19 periods International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE) / / / - 1947-8518

180 Valarmathi B Transformational educational leaders inspire school educators? commitment Frontiers in Education / / / 01 - 10 2504-284X

181 Veerta Tantia Influence of teacher occupational stress on self-efficacy: Evidences from the pre-and during-covid-19 periods International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE) / / / - 1947-8518

182 Veerta Tantia Transformational educational leaders inspire school educators? commitment Frontiers in Education / / / 01 - 10 2504-284X

183 Yashmita Awasthi INDIAN STARTUPS AMIDST EXOGENOUS SHOCK-COVID-19 Shodhsamhita / IX / II(IV) / 1 - 7 2277-7067

184 Yashmita Awasthi CEO Compensation and Firms Performance: An Empirical Investigation of India Panel Data Empirical Economics Letters / 22 / 2 / 117 - 138 1681 8997

185 Abhishek Maheshwari An Empirical Study of A Rule Based Stock Selection Method To Generate Alpha Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry / 12 / 6 / 9037 - 9052 1309-6591

186 Abhishek Maheshwari A Comparative Study of Financial Performance of Public and Private Sector Banks in India Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship / 15 / 5 / 61 - 71 2229-5348

187 Amala Siby Influence of Customer Relationship Management for the Success of E-Business nformation and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS 2020). Lecture Notes in Ne / 191 / / 473 - 481 2367-3370, 2367-3389

188 Amala Siby Young adults' default intention: influence of behavioral factors in determining housing and real estate loan repayment in India International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis / / 1753-8270 / - 1753-8270

189 Amala Siby Young adults? default intention: influence of behavioral factors in determining housing and real estate loan repayment in India International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis / 16 / 2 / 426 - 444 1753-8270

190 Amrita Chaurasia A Study Of Job Stress Among Women Teacher In Delhi Ncr,(Noida,Ghaziabad,Faridabad) Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research / OCT 2021 / oct 2021 / 834 - 839 2319-4979

191 Anand Shankar Raja M Organizational Agility and 7Ps of the marketing mix for the post-COVID-19 period: A case study of the Indian informal food sector Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 5 / 1325 - 1339 2204-1990

192 Anand Shankar Raja M Covid-19 is driving fear and greed in consumer behaviour and purchase pattern South Asian Journal of Marketing / / / - 2719-2377

193 Anand Shankar Raja M Market segmentation framework for generation alpha cohorts Productivity : A Quarterly Journal of The National Productivity Council / 62 / 3 / 248 - 254 0032-9924

194 Anson K J A Systematic Review Of Artificial Intelligence And Hiring: Present Position And Future Research Areas Indian Journal of Economics & Business / 20 / 2 / - 0972-5784

195 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Content Analysis On Chanel Perfume Advertisements Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharati University / XXIV / 1(XIV) / 44 - 49 0972-7175

196 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer A Descriptive Study On Atmanirbhar Bharath Giving Rise To The Chinese Boycott Movement Journal Of Education: Rabindra Bharati University / XXIV / 1(XIV) / 83 - 88 0972-7175

197 Bhavna Sharma Digital Banking: A Need of Time International Journal of Advance and Applied Research / 9 / 3 / 504 - 513 2347-7075

198 Bhavna Sharma Students' perception towards online classes during covid-19 Journal of Positive School Psychology / 6 / 3 / 1561 - 1570 1561?1570

199 Bhavna Sharma Reasons of Using Paytm: An Empirical Study MDIM Business Review / 2 / 1 / 78 - 88 2564-8555

200 Chabi Gupta The Consumer Demand Recovery Beyond the Pandemic International Journal of Management and Human Science (IJMHS), / 5 / 3 / 60 - 68 2590-3748

201 Chabi Gupta Banking And Financial Relationships Vs The Need For Contactless Interactions - Beyond The Pandemic Korea Review of International Studies / / / - 1226-4741

202 Chabi Gupta Mind of an Investor - Which Investment Strategies should I Choose? Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences / / / - 1532-5806

203 Chabi Gupta Knowledge or Personality - An empirical analysis of Behavioural Finance and Investor Cognitive Biases International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning / / / - 2155-7136, 2155-7144

204 Deep Jyoti Gurung Market segmentation framework for generation alpha cohorts Productivity : A Quarterly Journal of The National Productivity Council / 62 / 3 / 248 - 254 0032-9924

205 Deep Jyoti Gurung COVID19 Pandemic and Preparedness of Teachers for Online Synchronous Classes International Journal of Innovation and Learning / / / - 1471-8197

206 Ginu George A Systematic Review Of Artificial Intelligence And Hiring: Present Position And Future Research Areas Indian Journal of Economics & Business / 20 / 2 / - 0972-5784

207 Ginu George Consumer perception and factors influencing consumption of millets Journal of Tropical Agriculture / 59 / 2 / 177 - 182 0971-636X

208 Ginu George Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) of generational cohorts Y, Z and Alpha IIMS Journal of Management Sciencehttps / 12 / 2 / 115 - 129 0976-030X

209 Harmandeep Singh Understanding inhibitors to XBRL adoption: an empirical investigation Accounting Research Journal / 35 / 5 / - 1030-9616

210 John Benedict D A Study On Consumer Buying - Behaviour Using Influencer Marketing In Chennai Region Journal of the Oriental Institute / 71 / 01 / 61 - 66 0030-5324

211 Jothi M Role of Artificial Intelligence in reducing U5CMR in India Clinics in Mother and Child Health / 18 / 6 / 1 - 8 2090-7214

212 Karthigai Prakasam C Purchase Behavior Of Gen X & Gen Y Towards Online Food Ordering Apps Advertisements On Youtube Journal of the Oriental Institute / 71 / 1 / 229 - 232 0030-5324

213 Kavitha R Reconciling social values in the model of the capability approach in social enterprise practices IEEE Conference Proceedings / / / - 2159-1679

214 Mary Rani Thomas Attitude of generations: Does it matter online? Indian Journal of Marketing / 51 / 4 / 44 - 57 0973-8703

215 Mary Rani Thomas Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) of generational cohorts Y, Z and Alpha IIMS Journal of Management Sciencehttps / 12 / 2 / 115 - 129 0976-030X

216 Mary Rani Thomas A Systematic Review Of Artificial Intelligence And Hiring: Present Position And Future Research Areas Indian Journal of Economics & Business / 20 / 2 / - 0972-5784

217 Nabanita Ghosh Need Of The Hour: Sustainable Business Models In Higher Education Sector In Post Covid Regime International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 3 / 6003 - 6013 1308-5581

218 Natchimuthu N Return and volatility spillover between India, UK, USA and European stock markets: The Brexit impact Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 19 / 1 / 121 - 134 1810-4967, 1812-9358

219 Natchimuthu N Ethical Tenets of Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Sustainable Approach ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 137 - 150 1938-5862, 1938-6737

220 Nitika Sharma I Can Live Without Banks, but Not Without Banking: Role of Trust on Loyalty and Evangelism International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) / 17 / 3 / 1 - 20 1548-3886

221 Nitika Sharma The impact of eco-Innovation on green buying Behaviour: The moderating effect of emotional loyalty and Generation Management of Environmental Quality An International Journal / / / - 1477-7835

222 Nitika Sharma Being Socially Responsible: How Green Self-identity and Locus of Control Impact Green Purchase Intentions? Journal of Cleaner Production / / / - 0959-6526

223 Nitin Kulshrestha Ethical Concern in Academic Ghost-Writing Manager - The British Journal of Administrative Management / 57 / 145 / 135 - 138 1746-1278

224 Nitin Kulshrestha Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Outbreak in India: An Inclusive Review International Journal of Mechanical Engineering / 7 / 2 / 2004 - 2010 0974-5823

225 Nitin Kulshrestha E-Retailing In India - Trends, Growth And Challenges Manager-TheBritish JournalofAdministrativeManagement / 58 / 147 / 51 - 58 1746-1278

226 Prakash M Determinants of Loan Repayment Behaviour of Bank Borrowers ? A Relative Study with evidence from Bengaluru Finance India / XXXVI / 1 / 439 - 454 0970-3772

227 Prakash M Transformational Impact of COVID-19 on Savings and Spending Patterns of Indian Rural Households SAGE Open / 12 / 1 / 1 - 13 2158-2440

228 Sangeetha G Nagarakatte Return and volatility spillover between India, UK, USA and European stock markets: The Brexit impact Investment Management and Financial Innovations / 19 / 1 / 121 - 134 1810-4967, 1812-9358

229 Sanjay Rastogi A Study of Investment Behavior Of Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Investors ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 10411 - 10421 1938-6737

230 Sanjay Rastogi Green and Sustainable Software Model for IT Enterprises International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) / / / 1157 - 1160 9781-6654

231 Sanjay Rastogi Impacts of Cloud Computing in Digital Marketing International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) / / / 1170 - 1174 978-1-6654

232 Saravanakrishnan V Shodh Sarita / 7 / 28 / 219 - 224 2348-2397

233 Sathish Kumar B Impact of COVID-19 on NSE Sectoral Indices Finance India / XXXVI / / 389 - 410 0970-3772

234 Sathish Kumar B Nfluence Of Behavioural Factors On Stock Market Investment Decision In India Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology / 55 / 05 / 356 - 370 0493-2137

235 Sathish Kumar B Impact of COVID-19 on NSE Sectoral Indices Finance India / 36 / 1 / 389 - 410 0970-3772

236 Seshanwita Das Volatility in Indian Stock Markets During COVID-19: An Analysis of Equity Investment Strategies International Journal of Business Analytics / 9 / 1 / 1 - 16 2334-4547

237 Shaeril Michael Almeida COVID-19: Customer Perception and Potential Impact on online Meat/Seafood Selling International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts / 9 / 6 / 229 - 244 2320-2882

238 Shaeril Michael Almeida Social Media Disengagement Among Gen Y and Gen Z: a Quantitative Investigation Media Literacy and Academic Research / 5 / 1 / 230 - 252 2585-8726

239 Shubhanker Yadav Female Director and Agency Cost: Does board gender diversity at Indian corporate board reduce agency conflict? Transnational Marketing Journal / 9 / 3 / 587 - 596 2041-4684

240 Srikrishna Bhagawan N M Impact of COVID-19 on NSE Sectoral Indices Finance India / 36 / 1 / 389 - 410 0970-3772

241 Sudheesh K Earnings Management to Meet Earnings Benchmarks: The Impact on Future Performance The Economic Research Guardian / 11 / 1 / 78 - 102 2247-8531

242 Sukanya R India?s Outward FDI : Macro-Economic Determinants Of Home Country Finance India / 4 / 3 / 1423 - 1452 0970-3772

243 Suresh G Impact of Financial Literacy and Behavioural Biases on Investment Decision-making FIIB Business review / Article in Press / Article in Press / 1 - 20 2319-7145

244 Suresh G Transformation of India as Investor of Outward FDI: A Systematic Investigation of Literature Finance India / 35 / 3 / 957 - 988 0970 - 3772

245 Suresh G Nexus Between Interest Rate Risk and Economic Value of Equity of Banks Global Business Review / Article in Press / Article in Press / 1 - 21 0972-1509

246 Suresh G India's Outward FDI: Macro-economic Determinants of Home Country Finance India / 35 / 4 / 1423 - 1452 0970-3772

247 Suresh G Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance of Nifty 50 Companies: An Empirical Analysis Indian Journal of Research in Capital Market / 8 / 3 / 22 - 36 2394-3459

248 Suresh G Transformational Impact of COVID-19 on Savings and Spending Patterns of Indian Rural Households SAGE Open / 12 / 1 / 1 - 13 2158-2440

249 Theresa Nithila Vincent The Role of Board Independence and Ownership Structure in Improving the Efficacy of Corporate Financial Distress Prediction Model: Evidence from India Journal of Risk and Financial Management / 14 / 7 / 1 - 13 1911-8074

250 Theresa Nithila Vincent Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction Models: A Review Of Methodology ANVESAK / 51 / 1 (V) / 17 - 24 0378-4568

251 Theresa Nithila Vincent Corporate Default Prediction Model: Evidence from the Indian Industrial Sector Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective / / / 1 - 17 2249-5304

252 Theresa Nithila Vincent Key Indicators of Corporate Financial Status: Empirical Evidence from Indian Industrial Sector SCMS Journal of Indian Management / XVIII / 4 / 68 - 79 0973 - 3167

253 Theresa Nithila Vincent Capturing non-financial information in integrated reporting International Journal of Business Information Systems / 40 / 1 / 98 - 116 1746-0980

254 Theresa Nithila Vincent Market segmentation framework for generation alpha cohorts Productivity : A Quarterly Journal of The National Productivity Council / 62 / 3 / 248 - 254 0032-9924

255 Tomy K Kallarakal Sustainable Tourism Practices: A Perception of Backwater Tourism Destinations in South Kerala, India GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites / 38 / 4 / 1232 - 1238 2065-1198

256 Uma V R Overt Dependence of Health Insurance Industry on the Health Care Sector Asian Academy of Management Journal / 26 / 1 / - 2180-4184

257 Uma V R Does Internal Control Process And Firm Characteristics Improve Firm Value? An Empirical Analysis In The Manufacturing Sector Corporate Ownership & Control / 19 / 3 / 101 - 111 1810-3057

258 Uma V R Improved DHOA-Fuzzy Based Load Scheduling in IoT Cloud Environment Computers, Materials & Continua / 71 / 2 / 4101 - 4114 1546-2226

259 Uma V R Online Gaming on Psychological Well Being of Youths and Millennials: In the light of COVID 19 Journal of The Oriental Institute / 71 / 1 / 155 - 164 0030-5324

260 Uma V R Organizational Agility and 7Ps of the marketing mix for the post-COVID-19 period: A case study of the Indian informal food sector Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 5 / 1325 - 1339 2204-1990

261 Valarmathi B Job Crafting: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analytical Relationships with Precursors and Work Outcomes (2001?2021) Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management, / 15 / 1 / - 0975-2854

262 Valarmathi B Dataset exploring Organizational Culture of K-12 schools Data in Brief / / / - 2352-3409

263 Veerta Tantia Dataset exploring Organizational Culture of K-12 schools Data in Brief / / / - 2352-3409

264 Abhishek Maheshwari Interactional Justice As A Threat To Self Esteem And A Source Of Workplace Deviance Solid State Technology / 63 / 6 / 9301 - 9309 0038-111X

265 Abhishek Maheshwari Training in Hotel Industry : Perception of the staff International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research / 7 / 2(II) / 37 - 44 2394-7780

266 Abhishek Maheshwari A Study into the Marketing Practices of Tourism at Nainital & Mussorie Wesleyan Journal of Research / 14 / 17 / 100 - 109 0975-1386

267 Amala Siby E-Commerce in Indian Retail Industry: Its Proliferation and Performance ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 154 / / - 2367-3370

268 Amalanathan S A New Stepwise Method For Selection Of Input And Output Variables In Data Envelopment Analysis Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science / 11 / 1 / 703 - 715 1927-5307

269 Anand Shankar Raja M Marketing agility and E-Commerce agility in the light of COVID-19 pandemic: A study with reference to fast fashion brands Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (AJIR) / 04 / 03 / 1 - 13 2581-8430

270 Anand Shankar Raja M COVID-19 and students perception about MOOCs a case of Indian higher educational institutions Interactive Technology and Smart Education / 18 / 05 / 1 - 25 1741-5659

271 Anuradha P S Asymmetric Effects of Sustainability Indices in Emerging Asian Countries Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets / 7 / 4 / 8 - 18 2394-3459

272 Anuradha P S Systematic review on direct benefit transfer in India as part of financial Inclusion Utkal Historical Research Journal (print only) / 34 / VI / 167 - 173 0976-2132

273 Anuradha P S Dimensions of GST on Small and Moderate Business Units: A Systematic Review Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective / / / 1 - 10 2158-2440

274 Bhavna Sharma An Investigation of Types and Reasons of Frauds in Indian Public Sector Banks International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research / / / - 0975-2366

275 Chabi Gupta A Call For Deep Learning in Healthcare Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education / 12 / 12 / 2711 - 2713 1309-4653

276 Deepika Upadhyay Yulu: Moving Towards a Sustainable Future South Asian Journal of Business & Management Cases / 9 / 3 / 445 - 456 2277-9779

277 Geetanjali Purswani Impact of Cloud Computing in Higher education: Amidst Covid-19 Utkal historical research journal / 34 / XIII / 83 - 94 0976-2132

278 Geetanjali Purswani Yulu: Moving Towards a Sustainable Future South Asian Journal of Business & Management Cases / 9 / 3 / 445 - 456 2277-9779

279 Ginu George Revival Strategies For Travel and Tourism Industry- Post COVID-19 Siddhant-A Journal of Decision Making / 20 / 3&4 / 128 - 134 2231-0657

280 Ginu George A Study on Millets Arrival And Price Movement in Madhya Pradesh Market International Journal of Management and Social Sciences (IJMSS) / 10 / 1 / 9 - 16 2349-9761

281 Ginu George Case on Techademics Management Journal of Commerce & Management Thought / 12 / 1 / 65 - 68 0976-478X

282 Ginu George Covid-19 brunt on quality of work-life of automobile workforce Shodh Sarita / 8 / 29 / - 2348-2397

283 Ginu George Assessment of Person-Environment Fit (PE Fit) with reference to banking employees Mukt Shabd Journal / 10 / 5 / 1451 - 1470 2347-3150

284 Ginu George Impact of demographic factors on consumption pattern of millets in Kerala Mukt Shabd / 10 / 5 / 1521 - 1544 2347-3150

285 Ginu George Artificial Intelligence in Talent Acquisition Scale: Development and Validation Empirical Economics Letters / 20 / 1 / - 1681-8997

286 Ginu George Quarantined effects and strategies of college students ? COVID-19 Asian Education and Development Studies / NA / NA / 1 - 9 2046-3162

287 Girish S Study on Interest Income and Non-Interest Income of Selected Banks in India Mukt Shab Journal / IX / VII / 749 - 758 2347-3150

288 Girish S Determinants and Dimensions of Customer Switching Behavior - A Systematic Review Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 03 / 448 - 454 2204-1990, 1323-6903

289 Girish S Nexus Among Financial Literacy, Awareness About Financial Products And Financial Inclusion: Evidence From Rural Tamilnadu, India Journal Of Critical Reviews / 7 / 19 / 4901 - 4906 2394-5125

290 Haresh R Opportunities And Challenges In Open Banking - A Meta-Synthesis Wesleyan Journal of Research / 14 / VIII / 121 - 126 0975-1386

291 Harmandeep Singh Factors Influencing Web Accessibility of Corporate Information: Indian Evidence International Journal of e-Business Research / 16 / 3 / - 1548-1131

292 John Benedict D Investor Perception towards Commodity Market Investments During Covid 19 Utkal Historical Research Journal / 34(XXIII) / (XXII) / 229 - 236 0976-2132

293 Jothi M Data set on Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health of Internal Migrant Workers in India: Corona Virus Anxiety Scale (CAS) Approach Data in Brief / / / - 2352-3409

294 Karthigai Prakasam C Impact of W.T.O on Small Scale Industries in India Published in the Souvenir / / / 1 - 17

295 Karthigai Prakasam C Stock Market Reforms and Stock Market Performance International Journal of Financial Research / 12 / 2 / 202 - 209 1923-4023,1923-4031

296 Karthigai Prakasam C Chinese and Indian Stock Markets: Linkages and Interdependencies Research in World Economy / 12 / 2 / 228 - 239 1923-3981, 1923-399X

297 Karthigai Prakasam C Socially Responsible Investments and its Performance - Systematic Review An international Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal / 7 / 28 / 88 - 99 2348-2397

298 Kavitha Jayakumar Stress Classification of Medical Practitioners Using Machine Learning Techniques Solid State Technology / 6 / 4 / 7098 - 7104 0038-111X

299 Kavitha Jayakumar Tapping The Human Element:Enchaning SVK University's Social Structure Case Centre / / / - NA

300 Kavitha R Nouveau Shoppers Buying Behavior Pattern and Perception Towards Luxury Brands Webology / 17 / 1 / 280 - 296 1735-188X

301 Kavitha R A conceptual study on the impact of UPI technology on payment Systems Jijnasa : A Journal of the History of Ideas and Culture / 38 / 5 / 64 - 72 0337-743X

302 Lijeesh P HR Issues of Corporate Merger in Banking sector- Personal and Organizational perspective UTKAL Historical Research Journal / 34 (VII) / VII / 0 - 0 0976-2132

303 Lijeesh P Structural Capital and Organizational Competitiveness Jijnasa / 38 / 05(I) / 0 - 0 0337-743X

304 Mary Rani Thomas Generation Z preference on reusable food container on subscription basis Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies / 11 / 2 / 53 - 62 2249-0310

305 Mary Rani Thomas Digital Marketing Strategies: Effectiveness on Generation Z SCMS Journal of Indian Management / XVII / 2 / 54 - 69 0973-3167

306 Mary Rani Thomas Quarantined effects and strategies of college students ? COVID-19 Asian Education and Development Studies / NA / NA / 1 - 9 2046-3162

307 Mary Rani Thomas Health benefits of shifting from Bharat stage four to Bharat stage six International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research / 2 / 7 / 77 - 91 1755-3539

308 Mary Rani Thomas Technological perspectives of education for generation z and Generation alpha Utkal Historical Research Journal / 34 / 3 / 153 - 169 0976-2132

309 Mary Rani Thomas Various promotional strategies for generation alpha during covid Pandemic be of assistance or not Utkal Historical Research Journal / 34 / 7 / 127 - 132 0976-2132

310 Mary Rani Thomas Revival Strategies For Travel and Tourism Industry- Post COVID-19 Siddhant-A Journal of Decision Making / 20 / 3&4 / 128 - 134 2231-0657

311 Mary Rani Thomas Case on Techademics Management Journal of Commerce & Management Thought / 12 / 1 / 65 - 68 0976-478X

312 Mary Rani Thomas Artificial Intelligence in Talent Acquisition Scale: Development and Validation Empirical Economics Letters / 20 / 1 / - 1681-8997

313 Michael Yuivamung Zimik Corporate Governance Practices and Shareholder Protection in India Finance India, Journal of Finance / XXXV / 2 / - 0970-3772

314 Namitha K Cheriyan Pricing of liquidity risk in the Indian stock market Advances in Business Related Scientific Research Journal / 11 / 1 / 23 - 35 1855-931X

315 Natchimuthu N Stock Market Reforms and Stock Market Performance International Journal of Financial Research / 12 / 2 / 202 - 209 1923-4023,1923-4031

316 Natchimuthu N Chinese and Indian Stock Markets: Linkages and Interdependencies Research in World Economy / 12 / 2 / 228 - 239 1923-3981, 1923-399X

317 Naveen Kumara R The Indian Banking Sector And Npas- The Fintech Solution Wesleynjournal Of Research / 14 1(IX)2021 / 1 / 125 - 132 0975-1386

318 Naveen Kumara R Data set on Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health of Internal Migrant Workers in India: Corona Virus Anxiety Scale (CAS) Approach Data in Brief / / / - 2352-3409

319 Naveen Kumara R SECTORAL INDEX RETURN PREDICTABILITY PREDICTING POWER OF INDEX VALUATION RATIOS Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 2 / 4423 - 4442 1323-6903

320 Naveen Kumara R Testing Random Walk Hypothesis For Indian Sectoral Indices Jijnasa : A Journal of the History of Ideas and Culture / 38 / 5(1) / 155 - 166 0337-743X

321 Nitika Sharma Moral disengagement: A guilt free mechanism for non-green buying behavior Journal of Cleaner Production / / / - 0959-6526

322 Nitika Sharma Government is trying but consumers are not buying: A barrier analysis for electric vehicle sales in India Sustainable production and consumption / 28 / / - 2352-5509

323 Nitika Sharma Being Spiritually Green: Investigating the Impact of Spiritually Motivated Environmentalism on Green Purchasing Intentions International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 4 / - 1947-9603

324 Nitin Kulshrestha Technological Intervention in Financial Market Universe:Techno-Fundamental Investment Framework OJAS Expanding Knowledge Horizon / / July - December 2020 / 23 - 32 2279-0373

325 Nitin Kulshrestha Leveraging Technical Analysis & Artificial Intelligence-Optimization of Global Portfolio Management Through World Indices International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management / / / - 1741-1041

326 Nitin Kulshrestha Portfolio Selection and Performance Evaluation through Benjamin-Graham?s Value Investing- International Journal of Finance & Banking / 4 / 2 / 11 - 16 2574-6081, 2574-609X

327 Nitin Kulshrestha Portfolio Performance & Predictive Relevance through Techno-Fundamental Analysis- A Hybrid ARIMA Approach International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development / 10 / Issue 3 / 4971 - 4984 2249-6890

328 Nitin Kulshrestha Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 1, 2021 / 2185 - 2193 2204-1990, 1323-6903

329 Nitin Kulshrestha A Study of Relationship between SENSEX and macroeconomic variables Journal Of Critical Reviews / 7 / 16 / 1197 - 1205 2394-5125

330 Nitin Kulshrestha Machine Learning & Mechanics of Investment Matrix: Performance Optimisation & Risk Measurement of Bank Nifty International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 6 / 3298 - 3302 2277-3878

331 Nitin Kulshrestha ESQ-SAT-BI Model: Moderating Influences Of Customer Demographic & Psychographic Traits International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume / 8 / 12 / 1 - 18 2277-8616

332 Pooja Jain Yulu: Moving Towards a Sustainable Future South Asian Journal of Business & Management Cases / 9 / 3 / 445 - 456 2277-9779

333 Pramila S The Effect of Merger, Acquisition and Covid-19 on Customers Service of Union Bank of India in Delhi Psychology and Education / 58(2) / 9880-9887 / 9880 - 9887 0033-3077

334 Rishikesh K B Indian Telecom Market Concentration: Pre and Post Jio Launch Marian Journal of Professional Management / 3 / 2 / 1 - 7 2456-9003

335 Sathish Kumar B Indian Telecom Market Concentration: Pre and Post Jio Launch Marian Journal of Professional Management / 3 / 2 / 1 - 7 2456-9003

336 Shaeril Michael Almeida Impact of Service Quality on the Consumer Perception of Life Insurance Products in India Mukth Shabd / 10 / V / 243-277 - 243-277 2347-3150

337 Sukanya R Transformation of India as Investor of Outward FDI : A Systematic Investigation of Literature Finance India / XXXV / 3 / 957 - 988 0970 - 3772

338 Sunil M P The Influence of Total Quality Management on Star Hotel Performance Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 2 / 4476 - 4488 2204-1990

339 Surbhi Srivastava Role of HR policies in sustaining the mental peace at workplace Mukt Shabd Journal / / / - 2347-3150

340 Suresh G Evaluating the Performance of Indian Banks: EAGLES Model Approach Finance India / XXXIV / 3 / 999 - 1024 0970-3772

341 Suresh G Impact of Ownership Structure on the Performance & Profitability of Banks. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 3 / 186 - 192 2204-1990, 1323-6903

342 Suresh G Transformation of India as Investor of Outward FDI: A Systematic Investigation of Literature Finance India / XXXV / 3 / - 0970-3772

343 Suresh G Data set on Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health of Internal Migrant Workers in India: Corona Virus Anxiety Scale (CAS) Approach Data in Brief / / / - 2352-3409

344 Suresh G The Influence of Total Quality Management on Star Hotel Performance Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government / 27 / 2 / 4476 - 4488 2204-1990

345 Suresh G Corporate Governance Practices and Shareholder Protection in India Finance India, Journal of Finance / XXXV / 2 / - 0970-3772

346 Tabassum A Review on Flood Prediction Algorithms and A Deep Neural Network Model for Estimation of Flood Occurrence International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation / 2 / 5 / 8 - 14 2582-1040

347 Theresa Nithila Vincent APPLICATION OF FRAMING IN LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND RESEARCH AGENDA International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research / 7 / 11 / 39 - 49 2454-1907

348 Tomy K Kallarakal COVID-19 and students perception about MOOCs a case of Indian higher educational institutions Interactive Technology and Smart Education / 18 / 05 / 1 - 25 1741-5659

349 Tomy K Kallarakal Sustainable Tourism Development In The Backwaters Of South Kerala, India: The Local Government Perspective GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites / 33 / 4 / 1532 - 1537 2065-1198

350 Uma V R The Role of Internal Control and Firm-Specific Characteristics on Firm Value: Evidence from Indian Financial Services Sector Indian Journal of Finance and Banking / 4 / 1 / 117 - 133 2574-6081

351 Valarmathi B Factors effecting knowledge management process in higher educational institutions Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 15 / 997 - 1007 2394-5125

352 Valarmathi B Performance of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima yojana: Perception of farmers in rural Bangalore International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 3 / 4741 - 4753 2005-4238, 2207-6360

353 Valarmathi B Mediating role of Teacher confidence between Support system and Satisfaction International Journal of Management in Education / / 1750-3868 / - 1750-3868, 1750-385X

354 Valarmathi B Shopping Via Instagram: The Influence Of Perception On Generation Z Mukt Shabd Journal / 10 / 4 / 424 - 436 2347-3150

355 Valarmathi B A Causal model of Support system and Teacher confidence on Teacher Satisfaction in Online teaching International Journal of Management In education / / / - 1750-3868

356 Veerta Tantia Tapping The Human Element:Enchaning SVK University's Social Structure Case Centre / / / - NA

357 Veerta Tantia Mediating role of Teacher confidence between Support system and Satisfaction International Journal of Management in Education / / 1750-3868 / - 1750-3868, 1750-385X

358 Veerta Tantia A Causal model of Support system and Teacher confidence on Teacher Satisfaction in Online teaching International Journal of Management In education / / / - 1750-3868

359 Vinnarasi B Stress Classification of Medical Practitioners Using Machine Learning Techniques Solid State Technology / 6 / 4 / 7098 - 7104 0038-111X

360 Vinnarasi B The Effect of Merger, Acquisition and Covid-19 on Customers Service of Union Bank of India in Delhi Psychology and Education / 58(2) / 9880-9887 / 9880 - 9887 0033-3077

361 Abhishek Maheshwari Linear and Nonlinear Casual relationship among International Reserves and Economic Growth: Evidence from India Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation / 16 / 1 / 54 - 59 2321-0729

362 Akanksha Khanna Exit Interviews and Rehiring decisions: A review based study MUKT SHABD JOURNAL / 9 / 4 / 234 - 241 2347-3150

363 Akanksha Khanna A Comparative Study on Decision Tree and Random Forest using Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) International Journal of advanced science and technology / 29 / 5 / 2365 - 2376 2207-6360

364 Akanksha Khanna Financial literacy about digital wallets: a comparative study Of gen x. Y and z in India MUKT SHABD JOURNAL / 9 / 4 / 4418 - 4438 2347-3150

365 Akhil P Organizational factors and Job Stress among Scheduled Bank Employees TEST Engineering & Management / 83 / March-April / 16748 - 16757 0193-4120

366 Amala Siby Interaction of Gold and Oil Prices With The Sectoral Indices: A Case Study From NSE India Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology / 11 / 12 / 1233 - 1241 1006-7930

367 Anand Shankar Raja M The Mediating Effect of Work-Life Balance between Motivation and Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Emotional Intelligence of Mystery Shopping Professionals Seisense Journal of Management (SJOM) / 2 / 4 / 14 - 34 2617-5770

368 Anand Shankar Raja M The Social Media Blue Bird Creating an Online Sensation: A Sentimental Analysis with Reference to Coke-studio Hashtags Ushus-Journal of Business Management / 18 / 1 / 15 - 33 0975-3311

369 Anand Shankar Raja M Understanding the Purchase Intention Characteristics of Gen Y and Gen Z and Introspecting the Modern Demand Variables in Fashion Industry International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research / 10 / 12 / 144 - 171 2229-5518

370 Anand Shankar Raja M Digital integrated marketing communication (DIMC) and its logical relationship with co-branding and brand values with reference to coke studio Academy of Marketing Studies Journal / 24 / 01 / 1 - 21 1095-6298, 1528-2678

371 Anand Shankar Raja M Planned Fashion Obsolescence in The Light of Supply Chain Uncertainty Academy of Strategic Management Journal / 19 / 01 / 01 - 17 1544-1458, 1939-6104

372 Anuradha P S Algorithmic Trading- Changing The Paradigm of Stock Trading in The Indian Capital Market Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology / 11 / 12 / 1188 - 1192 1006-7930

373 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Challenges and Concerns of Assisted Reproductive Treatments: A Systematic Review Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 11 / Special Issue 09 / 715 - 724 1943-023X

374 Aruna P Factors Affecting The Competitive Capability Of Small And Medium Women Entrepreneurs International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 5 / 574 - 584 2005-4238

375 Ginu George Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 9 / 2 / 5069 - 5073 2278-3075

376 Girish S Monetary Policy Announcement And Stock Price Behaviour: An Event Study With Respect To India International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / 9 / 02 / - 2277-8616

377 Girish S Old and New Private Sector Banks in India: Performance Analysis International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 5 / 4919 - 4933 2207-6360

378 Gowtham R Hedging Weather and Catastrophe Risks using Commodity Futures as Weather Derivatives in India Review of Professional Management / 17 / 1 / 58 - 69 2455-0647

379 Haresh R Analysis of the Relationship Between CSR and financial Performance: Evidence From India Studies in India Place Names / 40 / 23 / 390 - 397 2394-3114

380 Harpreet Kaur Demographic influences on consumer decisions in the banking sector: evidence from India Journal Of Financial Services Marketing / 24 / / 81 - 93 1479-1846

381 Harpreet Kaur Demographic influences on consumer decisions in the banking sector: evidence from India Journal Of Financial Services Marketing / 24 / / 81 - 93 1479-1846

382 John Benedict D A Study On Perception Of Derivative Trading Among Brokers With Reference To Chennai Region Studies in Indian Place Names / 40 / 29 / 418 - 424 394-3114

383 Jothi M Whether CSR is Internalized in Corporate India? : An Empirical Study Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 11 / 9 / 1081 - 1090 1943-023X

384 Karthigai Prakasam C Determinants of Differential Voting Rights Share Prices and Ordinary share Prices: Evidence from Dual Class Comapnies in India Indian Journal of research in Capital Markets / 6 / 4 / 36 - 49 2394-3459

385 Karthigai Prakasam C Stock Market Sensitivity to Macreconomic Factors: Evidence from China and India Asian Economic and Financial Review / 10 / 2 / 146 - 159 2222-6737

386 Karthigai Prakasam C Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Verbal Abuse and Molestation in Ride-Hailing Companies Mukt shabd Journal / 9 / 4 / 2044 - 2054 2347-3150

387 Kavitha Jayakumar Walking Down the Squares Case Centre / / / -

388 Kavitha Jayakumar Correlation Study of Quantitative Easing in United States of America and Japan Our Heritage Journal / 68 / 54 / - 0474-9030

389 Kavitha Jayakumar Volatility of Indian Capital Markets on Derivatives Expiration Day International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 2 / 3114 - 3121 2005-4238

390 Kavitha Jayakumar Impact of monetary policy changes on the Indian stock market and monetary market International Journal of Management and Business Research / 9 / 4 / 135 - 144 2228-7027

391 Kavitha R A Study On Consumer Sensation Towards Branded Jewellery International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / X / II / 71 - 86 2249-7455

392 Kavitha R A Study On Consumer Interest On Online Food Applications For Ordering Food The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis / XII / II / 1694 - 1711 0886-9367

393 Kavitha R A Review On Smart Home Sensors International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 14 / 15 / 46 - 50 0973-4562

394 Krishna Prasath S Does the Chinese Origin of Mobile Phones matter to Generation Z Indians? Studies in Indian Place Names / 40 / 23 / 95 - 103 2394-3114

395 Krishna Prasath S Data as an intrinsic asset component in data supply web model - an exploration International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 9 / 6 / 1938 - 1942 2278-3075

396 Lakshmi B Data as an intrinsic asset component in data supply web model - an exploration International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 9 / 6 / 1938 - 1942 2278-3075

397 Lakshmi B Influence of Employees' Perception on the Use of Flexible Work Arrangements International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / 9 / 3 / 4135 - 4142 2277-8616

398 Lijeesh P Organizational factors and Job Stress among Scheduled Bank Employees Test Engineering and Management / 83 / / 16748 - 16757 0193-4120

399 Lijeesh P Occupational Stress among the Employees in the Insurance Sector International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 03 / 7937 - 7945 2005-4238

400 Lijeesh P A Study on the Inter-Market Relationship Between Indian Stock Markets and Global Stock Markets IUP Journal of Applied Finance / 25 / 3 / 47 - 65 0972-5105

401 Lijeesh P Organizational factors and Job Stress among Scheduled Bank Employees TEST Engineering & Management / 83 / March-April / 16748 - 16757 0193-4120

402 Mary Rani Thomas Benefits of Cross - Training : Scale Development and Validity Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management / 12 / 6 / 41 - 56 0975-2854

403 Mary Rani Thomas Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 9 / 2 / 5069 - 5073 2278-3075

404 Mary Rani Thomas Customer Profiling of Alpha: The Next Generation Marketing Ushus-Journal of Business Management / 19 / 1 / 75 - 86 0975-3311

405 Mary Rani Thomas Bharat Stage IV to VI -Challenges and Strategies International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 5 / 2614 - 2623 2277-3878

406 Michael Yuivamung Zimik Constructive Factors Influencing The Purchase Of Private Labeled Brands The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis / XI / IX / 48 - 58 0886-9367

407 Nair Shreya Sunil Is there spill-over effect among metals? International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 2 / 72 - 80 2005-4238, 2207-6360

408 Namitha K Cheriyan Modeling the Impact of Political Risk Components on Major Macroeconomic Variables Asian Economic and Financial Review / 9 / 9 / 1032 - 1042 2222-6737

409 Namitha K Cheriyan Size Effect in Market-wide Liquidity Commonality: Evidence from the Indian Stock Market Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies / 10 / 2 / 335 - 355 2345-0037

410 Namitha K Cheriyan Assessing the cointegration among major emerging Asian stock markets: A vector error correction model approach Journal of Academic Research in Economics / 11 / 3 / 604 - 615 2066-0855

411 Natchimuthu N Stock Market Sensitivity to Macreconomic Factors: Evidence from China and India Asian Economic and Financial Review / 10 / 2 / 146 - 159 2222-6737

412 Natchimuthu N Is there spill-over effect among metals? International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 2 / 72 - 80 2005-4238, 2207-6360

413 Naveen Kumara R Long Run Relationship between Macro economic Indicators and Indian Sectoral Indices International Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical Control system / 11 / 9 / 1126 - 1132 1943-023X

414 Nitin Kulshrestha The Test of Predictive Power of Moving Average Indicator on Indian Stock Market through System Design & Back Testing Strategy Test Engineering and Management / 83 / March - April 2020 / 15634 - 15645 0193-4120

415 Nitin Kulshrestha The FANTAM- Frontier Predictive Model-A Rhythmic & Unknown Relationship Between Technical & Fundamental Analysis to Portfolio Selection & Returns Optimization in Indian Stock Market Test Engineering and Management / 82 / January-February2020 / 15542 - 15559 0193-4120

416 Pooja Jain Impact of Policy rates on the share price of Public and Private Sector Banks in India. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 6 / 538 - 542 2349-5162

417 Prakash M Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance of Banking and Financial Services Sector: Comparative Study Studies in Indian Place Names / 40 / 40 / 770 - 786 2394-3114

418 Prakash M Old and New Private Sector Banks in India: Performance Analysis International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 5 / 4919 - 4933 2207-6360

419 Ranjeet Kumar Mishra Determinants of Firm?s Performance: An Empirical Evidence from India PRAGATI: Journal of Indian Economy / 6 / 1 / 80 - 97 2347-4432

420 Rupali Kumari An Impact of Reliance Jio 4G on the Telecom Sector: a Comparative Study of Financial Performance and Stock Prices Pre and Post Launch Test Engineering and Management / 83 / / 2475 - 2487 01934120

421 Sanjay Rastogi Development of Scale to Measure Objectives-Oriented Investment Behavior Journal of Behavioral Finance / / / - 1542-7560, 1542-7579

422 Sanjay Rastogi Financial Education and its Impact on Investors Behaviour:An Empirical Study on Investment Decisions Shodh Sarita / 7 / 25 / 43 - 49 2348-2397

423 Sathish Kumar B Gold vs Gold Exchange Traded Funds: An Empirical Study in India Economic Affairs / 64 / 4 / 703 - 710 0424-2513

424 Sathish Kumar B Volatility of Indian Capital Markets on Derivatives Expiration Day International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 2 / 3114 - 3121 2005-4238

425 Shaeril Michael Almeida Erudition and Role of Micro Insurance in India International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 5 / - / 893 - 897 2348-1269, 2349-5138

426 Sruthi N R Investigating liquidity constraints as a channel of contagion: a regime switching approach Financial Innovation / 6 / 24 / 1 - 21 2199-4730

427 Sukanya R Impact of India's outward FDI on home and host country Seshadripuram Journal of Social Sciences / 1 / 4 / 161 - 178 2581-6748

428 Sunil M P Constructive Factors Influencing The Purchase Of Private Labeled Brands The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis / XI / IX / 48 - 58 0886-9367

429 Surbhi Srivastava A Historical Review of Equity Linked Saving Schemes PARIPEX Indian Journal of Research / / / - 2250-1991

430 Suresh G A Study on the Inter-Market Relationship Between Indian Stock Markets and Global Stock Markets IUP Journal of Applied Finance / 25 / 3 / 47 - 65 0972-5105

431 Suresh G Whether CSR is Internalized in Corporate India? An Empirical Study Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 11 / 9-Special Issue / 1081 - 1090 1943-023x

432 Suresh G Impact of monetary policy changes on the Indian stock market and monetary market International Journal of Management and Business Research / 9 / 4 / 135 - 144 2228-7027

433 Suresh G Constructive Factors Influencing The Purchase Of Private Labeled Brands The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis / XI / IX / 48 - 58 0886-9367

434 Theresa Nithila Vincent Universal Health Coverage: A Factor for Sustainable Development International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation / 24 / 8 / 13032 - 13044 1475-7192

435 Tomy K Kallarakal A Sustainable Approach to Community based waste management in the backwaters of South Kerala Journal of Tourism: An international Journal in Travel and Tourism / XX / 2 / 21 - 37 0972-7310

436 Uma V R An Optimized Technique to Foster Omnichannel Retail Experience Leveraging Key Technology Dimensions in the Context of an Emerging Digital Market International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) / 8 / 6 / 5056 - 5061 2249-8958

437 Uma V R An Optimized Technique to Foster Omnichannel Retail Experience Leveraging Key Technology Dimensions in the Context of an Emerging Digital Market International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology / 8 / 6 / 5056 - 5061 2249-8958

438 Valarmathi B Work - life balance among women anganwadi workers in Bengaluru Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management / 13 / 3 / 20 - 34 0975-2854

439 Valarmathi B Ethics in Insurance Industry: Case Analysis IUP journal of financial risk Management / 16 / 3 / 62 - 69 0972-916X

440 Veerta Tantia Corporate Performance of Indian Companies- Pre and Post Implementation of BRR Test Engineering and Management / 83 / / 2550 - 2557 0193-4120

441 Veerta Tantia Walking Down the Squares Case Centre / / / -

442 Veerta Tantia Volatility of Indian Capital Markets on Derivatives Expiration Day International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 2 / 3114 - 3121 2005-4238

443 Vincent G Financial Inclusion in India -A progress and Challenges International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 28 / 19 / 521 - 530 2005-4238

444 Vincent G Recent Trends in cashless economy in India Think India Journal / 22 / 10 / 8021 - 8031 0971-1260

445 Vinnarasi B Buying Intention Of Menstrual Cups Among Women In India International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 2 / 13 - 24 2005-4238

446 Yashmita Awasthi Ethics of Advertisement and Marketing Policies: An Indian Perspective Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / 1 - 8 0975-2935

447 Yashmita Awasthi Board Structure and Firm Performance- Evidence from Emerging Market International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Exploring Innovation / 8 / 5 / 2305 - 2311 2277-3878

448 Akanksha Khanna Impact of Social Media marketing on Twix ters shopping behaviour of apparel in India: An Empirical study International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA) / 8 / 11 / 602 - 618 2249-2496

449 Akanksha Khanna Transition from Conventional Brand Loyalty to Contemporary E-loyalty: A Conceptual Analysis International Journal of Research in Social Sciences / 8 / 12 / 211 - 220 2249-2496

450 Akanksha Khanna Internet Of Things And Its Impact On The Marketing Landscape Zenith International Journal of Multidisplinary research / 9 / 3 / 243 - 249 2231-5780

451 Akhil P A Study on the Impact of Demonetisation on the Usage of e-Wallet Among the College Students with Special Reference to Chennai SUMEDHA Journal of Management / 7 / / 87 - 93 2277-6753

452 Akhil P A Study On Role Of Fdi In Indian Economic Developmenteconomic Development Journal Of Management (JOM) / 5 / 4 / 55 - 61 2347-3959

453 Akhil P Occupational factors and Job Stress among Traditional scheduled bank (TSB) and new private sector bank (NPSB) employees in Kerala. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 3 / 12 / 91 - 96 2455-3085

454 Amala Siby Assessment of Capital Asset Pricing Model in Indian stock market International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / - 2349-5138

455 Amala Siby A theoretical Approach to forensic Accounting International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research / 5 / 4(XX) / - ?

456 Amala Siby A Descriptive Study On The Relevance Of Tax Audit Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 / - 2349-5162

457 Anand Shankar Raja M Faculty Development Program Model: A Strategic Insight International Journal of Management Studies / 3 / 4 / 98 - 107 2249-0302, 2231-2528

458 Anand Shankar Raja M Influence of Demographic Constructs on Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Mystery Shoppers International Journal of Management Studies / 3 / 3 / 12 - 19 2249-0302, 2231-2528

459 Anand Shankar Raja M A study on the impact of GST on goods and transport agencies (GTA) with reference to Tamil Nadu International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management / 08 / 09 / 17 - 21 2231-1009

460 Anand Shankar Raja M Feeling of the Coast Associated with Emotions a Study Based on Qualitative Approach The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 06 / 04 / 47 - 59 2348-5396

461 Anand Shankar Raja M Mystery Shopping In Banking Industry For Sustainable Management And Growth UTTRANCHAL BUSINESS REVIEW / 08 / 01 / 01 - 136 2277-1816

462 Anand Shankar Raja M Cognitive Marketing and Purchase Decision With Reference to Pop Up and Banner Advertisements The Journal of Social Sciences Research / 04 / 12 / 718 - 735 2411-9458

463 Anand Shankar Raja M The Mediating Effect of Intellectual Capital on Corporate Governance and Performance of Conglomerates in Nigeria SEISENSE Journal of Management / 2 / 3 / 16 - 29 2617-5770

464 Anand Shankar Raja M The Dimensions of Mystery Shopping Program (DMSP) - Checklist Construction International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics / 06 / 05 / 414 - 426 2383-2126

465 Anson K J An Empirical study on Regret aversion as a mediator between Past Experience and Disposition International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / 239 - 255 2348-1269

466 Anson K J An Empirical study on Overconfidence as a mediator between Past Experience and Disposition effect International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management / 4 / 2 / 24 - 31 2455-6378

467 Anson K J Study on Impact of exchange rate on India's export price and GDP International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / 9 / 2 / 26 - 38 2249-7455

468 Anson K J Stock market momentum and drivers for metal industry International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / 246 - 250 2348-1269

469 Anuradha P S Impact of Crude Oil Price Changes on Natural Rubber Industry In India International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering / IX / 1 / 291 - 301 2249-7455

470 Anuradha P S The impact of corporate social responsibility on Financial performance of NSE listed mid-cap and small-cap companies International Journal of Advance and Innovative research / 6 / 1 (V) / 72 - 78 2394-7780

471 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Reasons for Wrongful Repudiation of Claims in Motor Insurance International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering / 8 / 9 / - 2249-7455

472 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Emperor International Journal Of Finance And Management Research Emperor International Journal Of Finance And Management Research / V / 1 / 119 - 123 2395-5929

473 Aruna P Environmental Accounting Disclosure and Reporting Practices in Annual Report ? With Special Reference to Companies listed in BSE SENSEX International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 5 / 3 / 124 - 133 2348-1269, 2349-5138

474 Aruna P The Financial Analysis of State Bank of India Pre and Post-Mega Merger: A Comparative Study International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research / 7 / 11 / 1 - 10 2394-7780

475 Deepika Upadhyay Impact of Demonetization on the Indian Stock Market: With Special Reference to Bombay Stock Exchange Paradigm / 22 / 2 / 175 - 184 0971-8907

476 Deepika Upadhyay Green Bonds: Investment for Greener Future Asian Journal of Management (AJM) / 9 / 1 / 730 - 732 0976-495X

477 Dinesh Kumar R Green HRM: Awareness And Effect On Millennial's Performance Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research / 5 / 12 / 251 - 259 2349-5162

478 Dinesh Kumar R CSR Practices: Public and Private sector banks in India International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations / 6 / 4 / 566 - 573 2348-1226

479 Dinesh Kumar R Cost and Returns of Grapes Cultivation in Tamil Nadu International Journal Of Management Studies (IJMS) / VI / 1(6) / 93 - 100 2249-0302

480 Dinesh Kumar R Cost and Returns of Grapes Cultivation in Tamilnadu International Journal of Management Studies / 6 / 1 (6) / 93 - 100 2249-0302, 2231-2528

481 Geetanjali Purswani Interrelationship and Interdependence Among Macroeconomic Variables in India Arthashastra Indian Journal of Research / 8 / 1 / 50 - 60 2278-1811

482 Geetanjali Purswani A Study Of Investment Decisions Based On Systematic Investment Plan, Value Averaging And Lump-Sum Investment Plan International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 46 - 55 2348 1269, 2349-5138

483 Girish S Trend and Occurrences of NPA On Nifty Indexed Banks In India International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research / 03 / 07 / 3539 - 3554 2455-8834

484 Girish S MUDRA Performance in Karnataka International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / 278 - 287 2348-1269, 2349-5138

485 Girish S Efficiency Of Working Capital Management On Corporate Profitability JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATIVE RESEARCH / 5 / 11 / 85 - 93 2349-5162

486 Girish S Financial Determinants of Firm's Value: Evidence from Energy Sector Firms International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) / 5 / 4 / 274 - 277 2348-1269, 2349-5138

487 Girish S The Evolution and the Growth of Information Technology Industries in India and the Impact of Invisible Transactions on I.T Exports International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / 09 / 01 / 878 - 906 0249-7455

488 Girish S Cash to Cashless Economy: An Indian Travelogue RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 03 / 12 / 421 - 426 2455-3085

489 Girish S Corporate Social Responsibility of Indian Energy Sector Companies-A study on CSR Activities of Selected Indian Energy Sector Companies. International Jouranl of Social Science and Economic Research / 04 / 01 / 380 - 395 2455-8834

490 Haresh R Does Insurtech Enhance the Indian Insurance Sector? International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / 8 / 12 / 26 - 31 2249-7455

491 Harmandeep Singh Board Efficiency and Internet Reporting Quality: An Empirical Study of Indian Public Sector Giants The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices. / / / - 0972-690X

492 Harpreet Kaur Exploring the bank selection criteria in India: scale development and validation International Journal of Bank Marketing / 37 / 3 / 666-690 - 0265-2323

493 Jerush John Joseph Assessment of Capital Asset Pricing Model in Indian stock market International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / 993 - 1000 2349-5138

494 Jerush John Joseph Financial and stock return analysis Pre-and Post-Disinvestment: Evidence from Maharatna Companies International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / 9 / 2 / 2470 - 2483 2249-7455

495 Jerush John Joseph Analysing the Role of Audit Committee in Assessing Audit Risk Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / / / - 2349-5162

496 Jothi M Impact of Monetary Policy changes on the Indian Stock Market and Monetary Market International Journal of Management and Business Research / 9 / 4 / 135 - 144 2228-7027

497 Jothi M Cost and Returns of Grapes Cultivation in Tamilnadu International Journal of Management Studies / 6 / 1 (6) / 93 - 100 2249-0302, 2231-2528

498 Karthigai Prakasam C Consumers and Retailers- Kinds of Awareness of Cashless Payment System Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) / 6 / 1 / 503 - 511 2349-5162

499 Karthigai Prakasam C Green HRM Practices of Heavy Commercial Vehicles Companies Toward Enhancing Environmental Sustainability International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) / 4 / 10 / 308 - 311 2454-9150

500 Karthigai Prakasam C Consumers' and Retailers' Kinds of Awareness of Cashless Payment System Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 1 / 503 - 511 2349-5162

501 Kavitha Jayakumar Fundamental And Technical Analysis Of Bharti Airtel And Reliance Communication Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 5 / 11 / 153 - 163 2349-5162

502 Kavitha Jayakumar Analysis Of The Human Resource Accounting Methods Followed By Indian Firms Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 5 / 11 / 247 - 255 2349-5162

503 Kavitha Jayakumar Role of Forensic Accounting ? An Analysis International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) / 5 / 4 / 221 - 232 2348-1269

504 Kavitha Jayakumar Fintech Innovations and Its Impact on the Profitability of Selected Bank International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) / 8 / 01 / 41 - 45 2319-801X

505 Kavitha Jayakumar Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Its Awareness And Effectiveness In Urban Bengaluru International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) / 6 / 1 / 1033 - 1040 2348-1269

506 Kavitha Jayakumar Synopsis Of Impact Of Technology In Supply Chain Of Pharmaceutical Industry Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 / 489 - 500 2349-5162

507 Kavitha Jayakumar The Impact Of NPA Of Public And Private Sector Banks On Net Profit Of Scheduled Commercial Banks Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 / 158 - 164 2349-5162

508 Kavitha Jayakumar Audit Committee and its Role in Corporate Governance Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 / 165 - 174 2349-5162

509 Kavitha Jayakumar Impact of Monetary Policy changes on the Indian Stock Market and Monetary Market International Journal of Management and Business Research / 9 / 4 / 135 - 144 2228-7027

510 Kavitha R Consumer Intuit and Vantage Point towards Brand Luxuries with Preference to Coimbatore City International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research / 2 / 5 / 296 - 301 2455-2631

511 Kavitha R Consumer Wakefulness on Standardization of Victuals The Research Journal Social Sciences / 9 / 9 / 4 - 10 0025-1348, 2456-1356

512 Kavitha R Standardization Versus Non Standardization Of Sustenance Products: Is Consumers Sensitivity Matters? International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) / 6 / 1 / 218 - 230 2348-1269, 2349-5138

513 Kavitha R Flash Sale Strategy: A Sustaining Technique of Chinese Smartphones In The Indian Market International Journal of Scientific Research and Review / 8 / 1 / 281 - 289 2279-543X

514 Kavitha R Attitude of Social Media Users towards Ephemeral Marketing International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 1750 - 1761 2348-1269, 2349-5138

515 Krishna Prasath S Feeding the Needy - A Case Study on 'No Food Waste Campaign' International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering / 8 / IX / 1629 - 1637 2249-7455

516 Krishna Prasath S Problems Faced by Female Street Vendors in Selective Markets of Bengaluru International Journal of Research in Social Sciences / 8 / 11 / 431 - 447 2249-2496

517 Krishna Prasath S Ambush Marketing: A feat or a failure International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 212 - 224 2349-5138

518 Krishna Prasath S Blockchains- An attempt to arrive Connotation through Bitcoins. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering / IX / IV / 88 - 95 2249-0558

519 Krishna Prasath S A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Recognition among Bangalore Kids International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering / IX / III / 2291 - 2302 2249-7455

520 Lakshmi B Effect of Employer Brand Dimensions on Organisation Citizenship Behaviour among College Teachers in India AJANTA / 6 / 3 / 90 - 106 2277-5730

521 Lakshmi B Demographic Profile of Open and Distance Learners in Maharashtra, India: An Analytical Study Ajanta / 7 / 4 / 20 - 28 2277-5730

522 Lakshmi B A Review Paper on Employer Branding Ajanta / 7 / 4 / 136 - 143 2277-5730

523 Lakshmi B Factors Affecting Impulsive Buying Behaviour of Online Shoppers across X,Y & Z Generations international journal of Management, Technology and Engineering / IX / I / 1638 - 1650 2249-7455

524 Lakshmi B Employer branding attributes attracting the job seekers in the IT sector l IJRAR-International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 682 - 690 2348-1269

525 Lijeesh P Occupational factors and Job Stress among Traditional scheduled bank (TSB) and new private sector bank (NPSB) employees in Kerala RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 3 / 12 / 91 - 96 2455-3085

526 Lijeesh P Microfinance-An experience of women in Nelemangala Taluk, Bengaluru Region. International Journal of Management,Technology and Engineering. / 9 / 1 / 3318 - 3328 2249-7455

527 Lijeesh P Occupational factors and Job Stress among Traditional scheduled bank (TSB) and new private sector bank (NPSB) employees in Kerala. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 3 / 12 / 91 - 96 2455-3085

528 Mary Rani Thomas Beguiling the Gen Zers to enter the workforce International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / 8 / 12 / 165 - 187 2249-7455

529 Mary Rani Thomas Training the workforce for industry 4.0 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS) / 9 / 4 / 782 - 790 2249-2496

530 Michael Yuivamung Zimik A Logical Link Between Angel Investors Expectations From Entrepreneurs And The Selected Problem Face By Entrepreneurs Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 1 / 342 - 349 2349-5162

531 Mynavathi L Certification of organic food products: Is it making a difference? RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 4 / 1 / 412 - 416 2455-3085

532 Mynavathi L Certification of organic food products: Is it making a difference? RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 4 / 1 / 412 - 416 2455-3085

533 Mynavathi L Faculty Development Program Model: A Strategic Insight International Journal of Management Studies / 3 / 4 / 98 - 107 2249-0302, 2231-2528

534 Natchimuthu N Analysis of volatility spillover effect among major currencies:US Dollars, Euro and Yen International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / Special Issue / / 80 - 85 2349-5138

535 Natchimuthu N A study on Impact of Consumer Reviews on Consumer Behavior with reference to Restaurants in Bengaluru RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 4 / 2 / 532 - 538 2455-3085

536 Natchimuthu N Calendar Anomalies In The Indian Stock Markets: Monsoon Effect Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal / 23 / 2 / 1 - 10 1096-3685, 1528-2635

537 Naveen Kumara R Impact of Digital Payments on the Consumption Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / Voulme 5 / 2 / 111 - 121 2349-5162

538 Naveen Kumara R Impact of GST on the working Capital of the Textile Industry Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 5 / 11 / 111 - 121 2349-5162

539 Naveen Kumara R Impact Of Pre And Post Merger Announcement On Stock Price Movements International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reveiws / 6 / 1 / 159 - 167 2349-5138

540 Pooja Jain Performance Analysis: Pre And Post Merger Of Indian Pharmaceutical Companies International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research / 4 / 1 / 664 - 672 2455-8834

541 Prakash M Liquidity Risk Management in Indian Private Sector Banks International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic research / 3 / 11 / 5977 - 5991 2455-8834

542 Prakash M Income Analysis of Indian Banks - Bank GroupWise Investigation on Non-Interest Income International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) / 04 / 10 / 518 - 524 2454-9150

543 Pramila S Working Capital Management- It`s impact on profitability of firm Journal of Management Research and Analysis(JMRA) / 05 / 2(1) / 175 - 178 2394-2770

544 Pramila S Literature review on Working Capital Management International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / 5 / 3 / 184 - 188 2348-1269

545 Pramila S A Study on Awareness of Foreign Direct Investment among Retailers Journal of Management Research and Analysis / 6 / 1 / 94 - 100 2394-2770

546 Rishikesh K B Can spirituality combat stress? - An empirical evidence with reference to university students Mirror / 8 / 4-A / 185 - 191 2249-8117

547 Rishikesh K B Inter-Generational Attitude Differences Towards Agricultural Entrepreneurship In India Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / February 2019, Volum / Issue 2 / 630 - 638 2349-5162

548 Rishikesh K B Role of Demography and Workshift among IT Enabled Service: Employee Engagement International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering / IX / III / 2600 - 2621 2249-7455

549 Sanjay Rastogi Forex Rate Volatility and Sectorial Profitability International Journal of Research in Social Science / 8 / 9 / 487 - 492 2249-2496

550 Sanjay Rastogi Leverage Effect and Introduction of Options and Futures Impact on Equity Market: A Study in Indian Context Indian Journal of Economics & Business / 17 / 2 / 213 - 224 0972-5784

551 Sanjay Rastogi Influential Relationship Among the Stocks of Top Thirty BSE Companies International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering / 9 / 2 / 153 - 160 2249-0558

552 Sathish Kumar B Predicting Solvency Status of Companies listed in BSE SENSEX International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management / 04 / 10 / 16 - 19 2454-9150

553 Sathish Kumar B A Study on the Relationship between Gold Price and Gold ETFs price International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / IX / 1 / 2901 - 2911 2249-7455

554 Seshanwita Das Testing Structural Break in the Relationship Between Exchange Rate and Macroeconomic Variables Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective / 23 / 4 / 1 - 12 0972-2629

555 Shaeril Michael Almeida Adoption & Practices of Mobile Wallet Users in Bengaluru. The Research Journal Of Social Sciences / IX / VII / 338 - 346 0025-1348, 2456-1356

556 Shaeril Michael Almeida Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Retailers And Customer Satisfaction: FMCG Products International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / 38 - 45 2348-1269

557 Sivakumar S A Study on Non-Performing Asset Management with Special Reference to Coimbatore City Co-Operative Bank Ltd, Tamilnadu International Journal of Management Studies / 5 / 4(2) / 75 - 85 2231-2528

558 Sivakumar S Compatibility of Business and Ethics RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 04 / 01 / 734 - 737 2455-3085

559 Sivakumar S A Theoretical Approach To Forensic Accounting International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research / 5 / 4 / 74 - 80 2394 - 7780

560 Sunil M P Critical Factors Influencing Quality Management In Hotel Industry International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / 8 / XII / 6201 - 6215 2249-7455

561 Sunil M P Evaluating Service Quality Through Application of SERVQUAL Model in the Hotel Industry International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic research / 3 / 11 / 6181 - 6202 2455-8834

562 Sunil M P An Empirical Study on Service Quality of Star Hotels: Using SERVQUAL Model International Journal of Management Studies / VI / Special Issue 1 / 95 - 100 2231-2528

563 Sunil M P The Impact of Total Quality Management Practices on Key Performance Indicators of Star Hotels International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management / 4 / 4 / 98 - 108 2455-6378

564 Sunil M P The Impact of Drip Irrigation System on the Economies of Grape Cultivation Universal Review / VIII / II / 311 - 325 2277-2723

565 Sunil M P Mobile Banking Technology Adoption Model: Revisiting the TAM Approach Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 11 / 4 Special Issue / 1407 - 1415 1943-023X

566 Sunil M P CRITICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN HOTEL INDUSTRY International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering / 8 / XII / 6201 - 6215 2249-7455

567 Suresh G The Impact of Drip Irrigation System on the Economies of Grape Cultivation Universal Review / VIII / II / 311 - 325 2277-2723

568 Suresh G Mobile Banking Technology Adoption Model: Revisiting the TAM Approach Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 11 / 4 Special Issue / 1407 - 1415 1943-023X

569 Suresh G Responsiveness Among Urban And Rural Population Towards Life Insurance In Bangalore International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research / 4 / 2 / 887 - 900 2455-8834

570 Suresh G Cost and Returns of Grapes Cultivation in Tamil Nadu International Journal Of Management Studies (IJMS) / VI / 1(6) / 93 - 100 2249-0302

571 Tomy K Kallarakal Managing change, growth and transformation Journal of Management Development / 38 / 4 / 298 - 311 0262-1711

572 Tomy K Kallarakal Construction Of Corporate Social Responsibility Index: Measurement Of Mandatory Disclosure Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 1 / 620 - 625 2349-5162

573 Tomy K Kallarakal An Empirical study on Regret aversion as a mediator between Past Experience and Disposition International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / 239 - 255 2348-1269

574 Tomy K Kallarakal An Empirical study on Overconfidence as a mediator between Past Experience and Disposition effect International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management / 4 / 2 / 24 - 31 2455-6378

575 Tomy K Kallarakal Qualitative And Quantitative Csr Disclosure And Financial Performance: An Econometric Analysis International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 525 - 532 2348-1269

576 Uma V R Determinants of Debt-Equity ratio in top FMCG companies International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering / IX / II / 1108 - 1118 2249-7455

577 Uma V R Gender specific switching behaviour International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research / 4 / 1 / 642 - 646 2455-8834

578 Uma V R The Winner in the Battle of Health Insurance Penetration: India or China Asian Journal of Management / 9 / 4 / 435 - 439 0976-495X

579 Uma V R Reinforcing Retail Customer Experience in the Omni Channel World International Journal of Management / 7 / 1 / 140 - 145 2321-7286

580 Valarmathi B Awareness towards Crowdfunding among Young, Budding and Prospective Entrepreneurs in Bangalore International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 544 - 548 2349-5138

581 Valarmathi B Pre-Post Karnataka Goods And Service Tax Collection And Compensation International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 1046 - 1051 2349-5138

582 Veerta Tantia Earnings Management in Indian Companies: Post Companies Act 2013 International Journal Of Basic And Applied Research / Volume 9 / 2 / 289 - 302 2278-0505

583 Vincent G A Study on Technical Analysis of Select Banking Stock International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) / vol.7 / 6 / 9 - 12 ISSN: 2319-4421

584 Vincent G Volatility Effect On Exchange Rate And It?S Brunt On Crude Oil Prices Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 3 / 559 - 569 2349-5162

585 Vincent G Green Sukuk: Challenges and Potential International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research / 04 / 02 / 1463 - 1470 2455-8834

586 Vincent G PREDICTION OF BANKRUPTCY AMONG PRIVATE AND PUBLIC BANKS IN INDIA International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research / 4 / 5 / 3510 - 3523 ISSN: 2455-8834

587 Vinnarasi B The study of market share-profitability relationship: An empirical study of the Passenger Vehicle (PV) segment in Indian automobile industry. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research / 6 / 1 / 762 - 767 2349-5162

588 Vinnarasi B Stress, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Private College Teachers: An Empirical Relationship Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 / 377 - 384 2349-5162

589 Akanksha Khanna Gender Diversity and Organizational Performance: A Study of IT Industries in Bangalore Innovative Marketing / 13 / 3 / 33 - 41 1814-2427

590 Akanksha Khanna Female Infanticide in Rural Bangalore ZENITH INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH / 8 / 1 / 123 - 129 2231-5780

591 Akanksha Khanna Factor Influencing Job Satisfaction of Employees: A Study on BEML India ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research / 7 / 12 / 130 - 139 2249-8826

592 Akanksha Khanna Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-7225

593 Akanksha Khanna Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-2257

594 Alice Mani A study on financial access as a stepping stone for financial inclusion in Indian context International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) / 7 / 10 / 107 - 122 2249-7382

595 Alice Mani Scope of Banks in Financial Inclusion for Kerala State International Journal of Management Studies / V / 3(1) / 29 - 38 2249-0302, 2231-2528

596 Amalanathan S Online Stores: A Dream or Reality for Tibetan Apparel Retailers in India Internation Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 6 / 1 / 466 - 472 2320-2882

597 Amalanathan S Establishment and Perception of Success of Industrial Clusters in India: The Case of Bengaluru's Electronics Cluster Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 8 / 5 / 23 - 32 2249-7307

598 Amalanathan S Whistle Blowing Policy: Awareness and knowledge among IT Employees Asia Pacific Journal of Research / 1 / LVV / 37 - 41 2347-4793, 2320-5504

599 Anand Shankar Raja M A case study analysis using mystery shopping in the retail sector International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR) / 08 / 09 / 19829 - 19832 0976-3031

600 Anand Shankar Raja M Impact of Emotional Intelligence and motivation on job satisfaction among mystery shoppers Ushus Journal of Business Management / 16 / 02 / 31 - 44 0975-3311

601 Anand Shankar Raja M Street Vendors: The Informal Entrepreneurs - An Analysis on Realization of Their Goals and the Consequences in Their Livelihood International Journal of Pure and Applied Management Sciences / 03 / 01 / 37 - 42 2456-4516

602 Anand Shankar Raja M Efficacy of Leadership Ethics as a Tool for Developing Capabilities: A Study on MBA Students Perspectives International Journal of Pure and Applied Management Sciences (IJOPAMS) / 03 / 01 / 19 - 30 2456-4516

603 Anand Shankar Raja M Gender Based Study on Sexism and Immoral Themes Used in the Advertisements International Journal of Management Studies / 05 / 2(3) / 34 - 45 2249-0302, 2231-2528

604 Anand Shankar Raja M Intrinsic Betterness And Reason Based Extrinsic Preference Towards Social Shopping: A Study Among College Students In Bangalore Astra Salvensis / VI / Supplement 1 2018 / 545 - 555 2457-9807, 2457-9807

605 Anand Shankar Raja M Social Media Marketing And Ghost Shopping Approach; A New Business Tool International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) / 09 / 01 / 181 - 189 0976-6340

606 Anson K J A Study on the Relationship between Monetary Policy and Stock Market Returns of Bank Nifty in India International Research Journal of Business and Management / 10 / 13 / 37 - 44 2322-083X

607 Anson K J Dividend Declaration and Its Impact on Shareholder's Wealth - A Study on Selected Listed Hotels in India Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research / 4 / 1 / 32 - 38 2395-5929

608 Anson K J Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Using Technology and Research: A Study with Reference to Student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

609 Anson K J Innovative teaching Pedagogy Using technology and Research: A Study with Reference to Student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

610 Anson K J Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Using Technology and Research: A Study with reference to student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

611 Anuradha P S Perception of Manufacturers towards GST ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research / 7 / 10 / 11 - 23 2249-8826

612 Anuradha P S Influence of Social Accounting Disclosure on Investment Decision of Potential Investors ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 7 / 10 / 141 - 150 2231-5780

613 Anuradha P S Impact of financial information variables on the stock prices: An empirical study on cement companies listed in BSE International Research journal of Business and Management / XI / 1 / 1 - 6 2322-083X

614 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer A Comprehensive Study on Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana Working and Challenges in the Functioning of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana The Journal of Insurance Institute of India / V / III / 56 - 62 2278-6759

615 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Paying Guest Business In Bangalore: Entrepreneurial Drivers And Difficulties Emperor International Journal Of Finance And Management Research / IV / 03 / 75 - 79 2395-5929

616 Aruna P Green Disclosures and Its Effect on Financial Performance of Indian Corporates: A Study on Selected Nifty Companies Asia Pacific Journal of Research / 1 / LV / 196 - 202 2320-5504

617 Aruna P Problems on Implementing Forensic Accounting - Indian Context Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary / 02 / 12 / 49 - 52 2455-3085

618 Aruna P Cash-Based to Cash-Less-Fintech is here to Stay Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 4 / 12 - 19 2249-7323

619 Deepika Upadhyay Blowing Your Own Trumpet: How to Increase the Online Visibility of Your Publication? Indian Pediatrics / 55 / 1 / 49 - 54 0019-6061

620 Geetanjali Purswani Web Based Corporate Governance Disclosure Practices based on Corporate Governance Scorecard: a Study on the Companies listed in Bombay Stock Exchange Asia Pacific Journal of Research / 1 / 6 / 192 - 196 2320-5504

621 Geetanjali Purswani Web Based Corporate Governance Disclosure Practices based on Corporate Governance Scorecard: a Study on the Companies listed in Bombay Stock Exchange Asia Pacific Journal of Research / 1 / 6, Feb 2018 / 192 - 196 2320-5504

622 Geetanjali Purswani The Effect Of Mandatory Ind As Adoption On Financial Statements & Performance Indicators Of Select Listed Companies In India Journal of Accounting and Finance / 32 / 1 / - 0970-9029

623 Geetanjali Purswani Determining the impact of Capital Structure on Economic Value Added with reference to select Pharmaceutical Companies listed in National Stock Exchange Asian Journal of Management / 9 / 1 / 347 - 350 0976-495X

624 Geetanjali Purswani Impact of financial information variables on the stock prices: An empirical study on cement companies listed in BSE International Research journal of Business and Management / XI / 1 / 1 - 6 2322-083X

625 Girish S Determinants of capital structure decisions of selected information technology Companies, India International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review / 02 / 18 / 128 - 130 2348-0653

626 Girish S Interest Revenue and Non-Interest Revenue of Selected Public Sector Bank (Pre & Post Recession) ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research / 7 / 11 / 78 - 91 2249-8826

627 Girish S An Analysis of Determinants of Retained Earnings with Reference to Nifty Energy Companies in India International Research Journal of Business and Managment / 10 / 11 / 78 - 83 2322-083X

628 Girish S Impact of Cash Flow from Operating and Financial Activities Information on Share Price: Empirical Evidence From Nifty Pharma Index Companies, India International Journal of Management Research and Review / 7 / 11 / 1029 - 1033 2249-7196

629 Girish S An Analysis of Accounting Variables and its impact on Market price per Share: Evidence from Nifty Pharma Index Companies of India. Asian Journal of Management / 9 / 01 / 333 - 336 2321-5763, 0976-495X

630 Haresh R Islamic Financial Products and Services : A Road Less Travelled in India Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research / III / Special Issue / 60 - 67 2395-5929

631 Haresh R Cashless Economy in India International Journal of Research Culture Society / 2 / 1 / 294 - 300 2456-6683

632 Haresh R The Building Blocks of Future of the Insurance Industry The Journal of Insurance Institute of India / 2278-6759 / IV / 20 - 23

633 Haresh R Changing Landscape of Indian Insurance Industry Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 3 / 9 - 17 2249-7323

634 Haresh R Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-7225

635 Haresh R Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-2257

636 Karthigai Prakasam C Buying Experience in Physical Stores and Online Stores in Bengaluru International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) / 6 / 1 / 47347 - 479 2320-2882

637 Karthigai Prakasam C Consumers Purchase Behaviour in Out-Of-Stock Situation in Retail Outlets with Special Reference to High-End Products International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) / 6 / 1 / 345 - 351 2320-2882

638 Karthigai Prakasam C Awareness of Green Washing Amongst College Students International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) / 6 / 1 / 1455 - 1465 2320-2882

639 Karthigai Prakasam C Career Development Factors Influencing Employee's Career Progression Post Maternity in Health Care Industry Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 8 / 4 / 52 - 59 2249-7307

640 Karthigai Prakasam C Determinants of capital structure decisions of selected information technology Companies, India International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review / 02 / 18 / 128 - 130 2348-0653

641 Karthigai Prakasam C An Analysis of Determinants of Retained Earnings with Reference to Nifty Energy Companies in India International Research Journal of Business and Managment / 10 / 11 / 78 - 83 2322-083X

642 Karthigai Prakasam C Estimation of Conditional Volatility Models for Indian Stock Market Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 5 / 5 / 33 - 48 2249-7307

643 Karthigai Prakasam C Dynamics of Foreign and Domestic Institutional Investment in India Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 5 / 40 - 48 2249-7323

644 Kavitha Jayakumar A Study on Awareness of Forensic Accounting among Chartered Accountants Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 8 / 4 / 42 - 51 2249-7307

645 Kavitha R Advertising Collision in Social Media amid Facebook and Twitter International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology / 6 / 8 / 329 - 334 2278-9359

646 Kavitha R A Study on Consumers Acuity towards Online Grocery Shopping International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 5 / 4 / 2882 - 2891 2320-2882

647 Kavitha R E Business: Virtual Worldwide Presence Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 5 / 1 / 109 - 116 2321-788X

648 Krishna Prasath S Cause Related Marketing?A Qualitative Exploration on Patanjali Brand Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal / IV / IX / 31 - 35 2349-638X

649 Lakshmi B Effect of GST Rate Announcement on Sectorial Indices of National Stock Exchange Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies / IX / 1 / 29 - 36 2249-0310

650 Lakshmi B An Exploratory Study on the Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Art as an Alternative Form of Investment by the Potential Investors Asian Journal of Management / 9 / 1 / 373 - 382 2321-5763

651 Lakshmi B Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-7225

652 Lakshmi B Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-2257

653 Lijeesh P MGNREGA-An Experience of the Beneficiary Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 8 / 4 / 19 - 27 2249-7307

654 Lijeesh P Outcome of Women Entrepreneurship-A Case Study among selected Women Entrepreneurs Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 8 / 4 / 1 - 8 2249-7307

655 Mahesh S The role of MUDRA Bank in Micro Unit Development in India Commerce & Business Researcher, A Quarterly research publication / / / - 0976-4097

656 Mahesh S Responsible Tourism (RT) as a priority product of Tourism Industry ? an evaluation Management Researcher A Peer Reviewed Journal / / / - 2230-8431

657 Mary Rani Thomas Rev7 in Singapore Journal of Xavier University Bhubaneswar / 8 / 1 / 1 - 6 0976-108X

658 Mary Rani Thomas Online Website Cues Influencing the Purchase Intention of Generation Z Mediated by Trust Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies / IX / 1 / 13 - 23 2249-0310

659 Mary Rani Thomas Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Using Technology and Research: A Study with Reference to Student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

660 Mary Rani Thomas Online Merchandising Cues Influencing the Purchase Intention of Generation Z Mediated by Emotions Using -S-O-R Framework Asian journal of management / 9 / 1 / 175 - 182 0976-495X

661 Mary Rani Thomas Innovative teaching Pedagogy Using technology and Research: A Study with Reference to Student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

662 Mary Rani Thomas Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Using Technology and Research: A Study with reference to student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

663 Mynavathi L Innovative teaching Pedagogy Using technology and Research: A Study with Reference to Student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

664 Mynavathi L Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Using Technology and Research: A Study with reference to student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

665 Mynavathi L Expediency of Mobile Banking services in Bengaluru Focus International Journal Of Management / 13 / 1 / 45 - 49 2277-3177

666 Mynavathi L Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Using Technology and Research: A Study with Reference to Student Perspective ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research / 8 / 2 / 138 - 149 2231-5780

667 Mynavathi L Awareness and Satisfaction of Tax payers towards E filing of Income Tax Returns International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science / 9 / 1 / 118 - 132 2319-9202

668 Namitha K Cheriyan An intraday analysis of liquidity commonality in Indian stock market Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 3 / 40 - 50 2249-7323

669 Namitha K Cheriyan An intraday analysis of liquidity commonality in Indian stock market Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 3 / 40 - 50 2249-7323

670 Natchimuthu N Is gold price volatility leveraged in India? Academy of accounting and financial studies journal / 21 / 3 / 1 - 10 1096-3685, 1528-2635

671 Natchimuthu N Asymmetric conditional volatility estimation of stock prices in India Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 88 / 1 / 47 - 56 2249-7323

672 Natchimuthu N Estimation of Conditional Volatility Models for Indian Stock Market Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 5 / 5 / 33 - 48 2249-7307

673 Natchimuthu N Dynamics of Foreign and Domestic Institutional Investment in India Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 5 / 40 - 48 2249-7323

674 Naveen Kumara R Impact of Union Budget on market & Sectoral Indices International Journal of Research Culture Society / 1 / 9 / 49 - 57 2456-6683

675 Pooja Jain Rebranding: Strategies to Internalise the New Brand Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 8 / 1 / 140 - 149 2249-7307

676 Pramila S A study on welfare measures provided by the Gestamp Automotive Private Limited, Chennai International Journal of Management Information Technology and Engineering (BEST: IJMITE) / 5 / 9 / 65 - 72 2454-471X

677 Ratchana R Unified Payment Interface: The innovation buzz in the digital payments ecosystem Asian Journal of Research in banking and Finance / 8 / 3 / 0 - 0 ISSN:2249-7323

678 Rishikesh K B Teachers Outlook towards inclusive Education: Empirical Evidences from schools at Bangalore Research Lines / 9 / 2 / 72 - 87 0975-8941

679 Rishikesh K B A study on stress aspect among college teachers at Bengaluru MIRROR / 7 / 2 / 95 - 103 2249-8117

680 Rishikesh K B Does celebrity endorsements influence purchase behaviour? Mirror / 7 / 3 / 133 - 141 2249-8117

681 Rishikesh K B Entrepreneurial competencies and managerial performance. Mirror / 7 / 3 / 163 - 172 2249-8117

682 Sanjay Rastogi Analysis of Public And Private Sector Banks Performance Using Camels Model: A Longitudinal Study International Journal of Economics and Social Science / 7 / 11 / 480 - 2249-7382

683 Sanjay Rastogi Performance Evaluation Of Growth Oriented Equity Mutual Funds In India International Journal of Economics and Social Science / 8 / 4 / - 2249-7382

684 Sathish Kumar B A Study on Application of Cluster Analysis in Construction of a Portfolio International Research Journal of Business and Management / X / 10 / 91 - 101 2322-083X

685 Sathish Kumar B The Impact of Diwali on Stock Market and Commodity Market Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary research / 7 / 10 / 47 - 56 2231-5780

686 Sathish Kumar B Anomalies Effect in Returns of BSE Sectoral Indices International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research / 15 / 22 / 463 - 474 0972-7302

687 Shaeril Michael Almeida 'Brand Loyalty of Students towards Sports Accessories' Asian Journal of Management / (AJM) Vol. 9 Issue 1 / (AJM) Vol. 9 Issue 1 / 85 - 87 0976-495X, 2321-5763

688 Shaeril Michael Almeida The Viability of Using Product Placement in Movies: A Bollywood Perspicacity Asian journal of management / 9 / 1 / 91 - 93 0976-495X, 2321-5763

689 Sivakumar S A Comparative Study on the Performance of Index Funds International Journal of Current Research / 9 / 10 / 60007 - 60011 0975-833X

690 Sivakumar S Measuring the Relationship between Market Price and Per Share Values: A Case Study International Journal of Research Culture Society / 1 / 7 / 140 - 145 2456-6683

691 Sivakumar S A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Branded T-Shirts with Special Reference to Tirupur City International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education (IJCRME) / 3 / 1 / 84 - 91 2455 - 5428

692 Sivakumar S Cash-Based to Cash-Less-Fintech is here to Stay Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 4 / 12 - 19 2249-7323

693 Sruthi N R Cascading effect of Contagion in Indian Stock Market: Evidence from Reachable Stocks IIMB Management Review / 29 / 4 / 235 - 244 0970-3896

694 Sruthi N R Diffusion of crisis signals across the world: Evidence from Subprime crisis of 2008-09 International Journal of Emerging Markets / 13 / 2 / 410 - 430 1746-8809

695 Sunil M P Validation of Servqual Model in Star Hotels Pertaining to Bengaluru City Asian Journal of Manegement / 9 / 1 / 1 - 7 0976-495X, 2321-5763

696 Theresa Nithila Vincent Performance Metrics of Unlevered Firms- An Industry wise analysis International Journal of Management Studies / V / 1(3) / 13 - 21 2249-0302

697 Theresa Nithila Vincent Employee Motivation And Retention: Issues And Challenges In Startup Companies International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) / 6 / 1 / 2050 - 2056 2320-2882

698 Tomy K Kallarakal Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-2257

699 Tomy K Kallarakal Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-7225

700 Tomy K Kallarakal Teachers Outlook towards inclusive Education: Empirical Evidences from schools at Bangalore Research Lines / 9 / 2 / 72 - 87 0975-8941

701 Tomy K Kallarakal Community-Based Waste Management: Backwater Tourism as a Case Example ATNA / 12 / 18 / 85 - 94 0975-3281

702 Tomy K Kallarakal Relationship between Financial Position and Corporate Social Responsibility Expenditure of Pharmaceutical Companies in India International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, / 8 / 4 / 147 - 150 2250-057X

703 Tomy K Kallarakal A study on the impact of extrovert personality traits on the IT working professionals stock investment decision IJIACS / 7 / 3 / 227 - 232 2347-8616

704 Tomy K Kallarakal A Study on the Impact of Big Five Personality Traits and Demographics on the it Working Professionals Stock Investment Decision International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science / 7 / 3 / 111 - 120 2347-8616

705 Uma V R Factors Affecting Brand Preferences of Refrigerator Among the Rural and Semi Urban Population FOCUS: International Journal of Management / 13 / - / 32 - 36 0973-9165

706 Uma V R Determinants of Brand Preference of Two-Wheelers - The case of Rural and Semi-Urban areas in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research / 15 / 22 / 593 - 602 0972-7302

707 Uma V R Index of Insurance Frauds The Journal of Insurance Institute of India / V / IV / 52 - 58 2278-6759

708 Uma V R The Determinants of Firm Value From Enterprise Risk Management Perspective : A Conceptual Model Journal of Management Research / 17 / 4 / 194 - 203 0972-5814

709 Uma V R Cash-Based to Cash-Less-Fintech is here to Stay Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance / 8 / 4 / 12 - 19 2249-7323

710 Valarmathi B The role of E-Banking and E-payment facilities in customer satisfaction in private banks. SSRG International journal of Humanities and social science / 4 / 5 / 66 - 73 2394-2703

711 Valarmathi B Pre IPO and Post IPO operating performance Evaluation on Indian select Companies. Asian journal of Management / 9 / 1 / 127 - 132 2321-5763

712 Valarmathi B Corporate Social Responsibility of NIFTY FIFTY companies- AN Analysis of Direct Spending and Spending through implementing Agencies (NGO). Asia Pacific Journal of Research / 1 / Special Issue 4 / 211 - 217 2347-4793

713 Valarmathi B Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-7225

714 Valarmathi B Higher Education Institutions as Learning Organisations University News / 55 / 52 / 18 - 23 0566-2257

715 Veerta Tantia Impact of macro economic variables on BSE INDICES Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 8 / 3 / 22 - 30 2249-7307

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728 Anuradha P S An Analysis of public sector and private sector Insurance companies on Micro Insurance Schemes International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research Review / 1 / 20 / 74 - 79 2395-1877

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731 Anuradha P S Impact of socio demographic factors Influence on beneficiaries of Jansuraksha scheme International Journal of Management(IJM) / 8 / 3 / 83 - 90 0976-6502, 0976-6510

732 Anuradha P S Value Relevance of Accounting Information: An Empirical study on construction companies listed on Bombay stock exchange The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices / XVI / 2 / 34 - 42 0972-690X

733 Anusha Srinivasan Iyer A conceptual paper on Hull and Machinery as well as Subsidiary interests in Marine Insurance. Golden Research Thoughts / 8 / 9 / - 2231-5063

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738 Deepa T M Indian Commodity Market and their Relevance to the Economy Global Journal for Research Analysis / / / - 2277-8160

739 Deepika Upadhyay Employee Poaching: A Case from sheetal Structurals Pvt. Limited ET Cases / / / -

740 Deepika Upadhyay Effective Vendor Management: A Key to Success, A Case From Sajdhaj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh